Category Archives: North Scarborough

Encapsulated Collection 24 – Notices

Payment to inhabitants for part of Scarboro annex to Gorham by Act of Legislature of 1864. This may certify that theAssessors of the town of ScarboroHave apportioned to the inhabitantsOf that part of Scarboro set offAnd annexed to the town … Continue reading

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Naming the Two Rod Road

FROM THE EPHEMERA….          By Linda Snow McLoon There are a number of ways various roadways in Scarborough got their names. In early times, roads were often named after a family who lived on the road – the Fogg Road, … Continue reading

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By Linda Snow McLoon Before there were big yellow school busses, school children in Scarborough for the most part walked to school. To keep the distances from their homes doable, back in the 1800s Scarborough had over a dozen one-room … Continue reading

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Beech Ridge School Update (Sept 2021)

By Karlene Osborne Restoration of the 1800s schoolhouse at 184 Holmes Road continues. Since the donation of the building to Scarborough Historical Society in the fall of 2018, the Society has been busy stabilizing the structure. Of an estimated budget … Continue reading

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The Villages of Scarborough

By Becky Delaware North Scarborough Continuing our series about the villages of Scarborough. . . The Village of North Scarborough is often more closely associated with Gorham or Westbrook. For a long time, residents in this area had a Gorham … Continue reading

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