Letter dated 28 Feb 1870 re “Strip” between Scarboro & Gorham

Portland Feb. 28 1870          

Dear Jim,

Letter re. Strip Between Scarboro and Gorham – 28 Feb 1870 – Page 1

            With regard to the claim of the “strip” I am aware that there was some provision in the act setting off a part of the Town of Scarboro to Gorham that provided for returning to the “strip” a part of the same that might be reimbursed to Scarboro by the State. But what part?

            If in proposition to the valuation that was transfered by the same act from Scarboro to Gorham there would be nothing to pay, as no valuation was transferred to Gorham. Scarboro paid State & Property(?) Tax for the town of Gorham on the value of the strip 3 successive years. Finally when is was arranged by the Legislature the valuation was fixed by a meeting of the selectmen of Gorham & Scarboro and I think they made it about $36,000 and this was all the selectmen of Gorham would agree to.

            Again the war had not ended when the “strip” was set off and it was only the amount

[New Page ]

Letter re. Strip Between Scarboro and Gorham – 28 Feb 1870 – Page 2

reimbursed to the town on the men enlisted previous to, or up to the time that they were set off in which the strip could have any claim.

            And again Scarboro was one of the sub districts of this District and was just the same after the strip was set off to Gorham as before. An effort was made to have the men liable to draft transfered from Scarboro to Gorham but it could not be accomplished and our quota was made larger because the “strip” was enrolled with us and we furnished the quota for the strip and paid the expense after it was set off to Gorham but of course could not tax them for this expense.

            I am surprised that under these circumstances they have made any claim at all; and still more that any action should be taken on it by the Legislature without notice to the Town of Scarboro.

            There ought to be power somewhere to do justice in this case if anywhere in the Legislature. They without doubt mean justice but how can they do justice unless they hear both sides. Scarboro has not been notified in any way I am informed.

In haste,          
Horatio Hight

[Transcription by Maggie Vickerson, Scarborough Historical Society, 8 May 2020]
[Encapsulated Collection 23 – Letter re Strip Between Scarboro and Gorham – 28 Feb 1870]

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New Town Line Between Scarboro and Gorham [1865]

[Page 1]

New Town Line Between Scarboro and Gorham – 1865 (Page 1)

Agreeable to notice given by the Selectmen of the town of Scarborough to the Selectmen of the town of Gorham to meet at the House of John M. Parker in said Gorham on the 19th day of June 1865 at 9 o’clock in the forenoon for the purpose of establishing a new line between the said towns of Scarboro and Gorham in accordance with an act of the Legislature Approved March 4th 1864 setting off a part of the lower of Scarborough and annexing the same to the town of Gorham. We the undersigned Selectmen of the Towns of Scarborough and Gorham met at the time and place and for the purpose aforesaid and proceeded to name(?) and establish a new line between said towns as follows

[Page 2]

New Town Line Between Scarboro and Gorham – 1865 (Page 2)

Commencing at a stone on the side line of Buxton, north corner of Scarboro’ and southwest corner of Gorham – thence running S. 42 ½ ° East 178 Rods to a stone on the Buxton County road. Thence on same course 240 Rods to a stone on the Burnham Road thence on same course 209 Rods to a stone on Ai Waterhouse meadow. Thence S. 49° West to a stone 21 Rods 10 links, thence S. 44 ½° East 29 Rods 17 links to a stone in the east corner of Jonathan(?) Fogg’s meadow, and south corner of Ai Waterhouse’s meadow. Thence N. 50° East 20 Rods to a stone sitting in the South side of said meadow N. 53° East 186 Rods to the Mitchell Road to a stone. Thence north 48 ¾° East 972 Rods to a stone at the corner of Scarborough, Westbrook, and Gorham

Scarborough July 3d 1865

Richard Leavitt } Selectmen of
   Geo M. Carter } Scarborough

   James Phinney } Selectmen of
Edward Files } Gorham


New Town line
between Scarboro
and Gorham

[Transcription by Maggie Vickerson, Scarborough Historical Society, 8 May 2020]
[Ref: Encapsulated Collection 22 – New Town Line Between Scarboro and Gorham – 1865]

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Town Line – Scarboro & Gorham – Nov 1831

Town Line Scarboro & Gorham
Nov 1831

We the subscribers Selectmen of the towns of Scarborough & Gorham have this day perambulated the line dividing the two towns and renewed the marks to wit commencing at a large white pine stump standing in the Northeast corner of Scarborough & Southeast corner of Buxton and is marked with the letters of S.B.G. from thence we followed the former line to a Rock standing in the northerly side of the County road leading to Buxton near Benj. Libby’s thence on the same line to a large rock in the Southwest corner of Gorham marked S.& G. thence on the old line to the county road to two rocks one on each side of (said?) road the Northeasterly one of which is marked with the letter S.L.Q.G. thence continuing the same course to a rock in the corner between the towns of Westbrook, Scarborough, & Gorham.

Scarborough Nov 15th 1831

Robert Johnson } Selectman of Gorham

Joseph Fogg } Selectmen of
Abraham Milliken Jr. } Scarborough

[back side]

Town Line Scarboro & Gorham
Nov 1831 (outer)

Town Line
Scarboro & Gorham
Nov 1831 Recorded

[Transcription by Maggie Vickerson, Scarborough Historical Society, 8 May 2020]
[Ref: Encapsulated Collection 21 – Town Line Scarboro & Gorham – Nov 1831]

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Beech Ridge School Update (March 2021)

By Karlene Osborne

Beech Ridge School
Rear Addition Interior
Photo by Joyce Alden, c. Feb 2021

Work on the reconstruction of the school’s rear addition has continued this winter. Parts of the roof and walls have been gutted and reframed. A new enclosure for the bulkhead has been installed. Our contractor has been working steadily in the cold to ensure that this project continues in a timely fashion. We still have more work to do on the entire building, inside and out. We appreciate any contribution toward the goal of making the restoration of this one-room schoolhouse a source of pride to the community. To make a donation, click on www.gofundme.com/SHS-Restore-Beech-Ridge-School or send a check to P.O. Box 156, Scarborough, ME 04070-0156. Your gift is tax-deductible, as Scarborough Historical Society is a 501c (3) nonprofit.


Beech Ridge School
Reconstructed rear addition of schoolhouse
Photo by Karlene Osborne – c. Feb 2021

Beech Ridge School
Reconstructed rear addition.
Photo: Karlene Osborne c. Feb 2021

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General Lafayette’s Visit to Scarborough

by Linda Snow McLoon

The Marquis de Lafayette
Joseph-Désiré Court, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) was a French aristocrat and military officer who came to the aid of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. He developed a friendship with George Washington, who put him in command of American troops in several battles, including the Siege of Yorktown. His participation in the war symbolized our link to France, without whose support we might not have won our independence from Great Britain.

As the last surviving Major General of the Revolutionary War, Lafayette was invited by President James Monroe and Congress to visit the 24-state country in 1824 for what would become his Farewell Tour in the United States. As he traveled through the various states, he was greeted along the roadways and in towns and cities by large crowds of cheering citizens.

Scarborough was among the towns that graciously greeted Lafayette in 1825. On his first day in Maine, the general dined in Kennebunk before spending the night in Saco. On the morning of June 25, he was escorted by a large cavalcade to the village of Scarborough and received with high feelings of gratitude by the townspeople.[1]  

A newspaper article that appeared in 1900, 75 years later, describes Lafayette’s visit:
The citizens had an outrider to herald the approach of the illustrious Frenchman, and it was just a quarter before 8 when he appeared on the crown of the hill just beyond the village, swinging his hat and shouting, “The Gin’ral’s comin’!” Five minutes later the gorgeous coach that was presented Lafayette by the citizens of Philadelphia hove in sight drawn by four white prancing steeds, all resplendent in the dancing sunbeams of the early summer morning. When it rapidly bowled down the gentle declivity in full view of all the expectant townsmen a shout went up that Dunstan probably never heard before and from present indications will never hear again. The Dunstan people had erected a ‘noble arch’ (Dunstan was great on arches in those days, having erected one for Monroe seven years before and one for Jackson when he was expected), and the main street was thronged with spectators from miles around.

The General was entirely taken by surprise at the spontaneous demonstration and ordered a halt to hold a brief reception on the lawn in front of the residence of Dr. Alvin Bacon, where Judge Southgate, Dr. Bacon, Parson Tilton and other dignitaries of the town were presented to him. The General also called for a basin of water and a towel to bathe his face, as the morning was hot and the road somewhat dusty, and these together with a cake of soap were brought by a little daughter of Dr. Bacon’s, who always treasured the cake of soap while she lived, and it is still kept as an heirloom by the family.

The start was soon made and the General passed under the arch, upon which was inscribed, “Thrice Welcome to Lafayette.” The cheering was again renewed with added vigor, and Lafayette doffed his chapeau again and again. The visitors at Dunstan, many of whom were out for the day, filed in after the General’s coach and followed it to Portland, while many of the young men preceded the coach on horseback, all forming a procession nearly a half-mile in length that reached Portland shortly after nine o’clock.

Dr. Bacon’s house

Lafayette is reputed to have addressed the large group outside Dr. Bacon’s house under an impressive elm tree. While the tree is no longer standing, a piece of that tree – known as the Lafayette elm – is in the collections of the Scarborough Historical Society.

Dr. Bacon came from Charlestown, MA and settled in Scarborough around 1800, taking over the extensive practice of Dr. Southgate.[3] He was a favorite of all who knew him. When he rode out, he knew the names and personal history of the occupants of every house he passed.

He was present at almost every birth and tried to attend every burial. He sat many times with the minister beside a death bed. The doctor’s health eventually began to break down and he was obliged to gradually give up his practice. After a great deal of suffering in his last days, Dr. Bacon died in 1848 at the age of seventy-seven.[4]

[NOTE: This article is also available in PDF Format HERE.]


[1] John Francis Sprague, Sprague’s Journal of Maine History, p. 206

[2] Scarborough Historical Society, laminated scrapbook, 1884-1979, p. 68

[3] William S. Southgate, The History of Scarborough from 1633–1783, reprint, p. 207

[4] Dorothy Shaw Libbey, Scarborough Becomes a Town, p. 26

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