Historic Houses of Scarborough, Maine

The Historic Houses of Scarborough, compiled by Charlotte G. Stevens and donated to the Scarborough Public Library on July 17, 1953. This book includes short write-ups on 35 Scarborough buildings and homes along with photographs of the buildings and homes as they were in the early 1950s. Included are:

  1. The Parsonage, 160 Black Point Road
  2. The Church (4th church building), 167 Black Point Road
  3. Edward Libby Home (Possibly 212 Spurwink Road)
  4. Old Hastey [Hasty] House
  5. Old Edward Mitchell House (Possibly 178 Spurwink Road)
  6. The Kilbourne House (152 Spurwink Road)
  7. The Reuben Libby House 
  8. Augustus Small House (Possibly 359 Pleasant Hill Road)
  9. Part of the Robinson House
  10. Benjamin Larrabee House
  11. Alvin Larrabee House
  12. Dr. Sturdivant [Sturtevant] House
  13. The Thornton House (20 Black Point Road)
  14. The Oliver House
  15. The A I Plummer House
  16. The “Old Red House” (Hunnewell House – 81 Black Point Road)
  17. The Abraham Plummer House 
  18. The George Washington Libby House
  19. John Adams Libby House
  20. The Stanford House (194 Spurwink Road)
  21. The Library (built in 1899 – 165 Black Point Road)
  22. The Perry House (built by Alexander & Mary Prout Kirkwood – 534 Black Point Road)
  23. Cammock House
  24. The William H Googins House (built by Timothy McDanniel [McDaniel])
  25. The A I Seavey House (394 Black Point Road)
  26. The Eben Seavey House (386 Black Point Road)
  27. The Kaler-Vaill House (built by James Frank Coolbroth – 382 Black Point Road)
  28. The Atlantic House
  29. The Robert Libby House 
  30. The Jorden Larrabee House
  31. The Joseph Larrabee House
  32. The Thomas Carter Libby House (27 Black Point Road)
  33. The Freeman Libby House
  34. The Parson Thompson House 
  35. The Lancaster-Libby House

The write-up text is included in the PDF book. Higher quality images of the houses are available from the Society for a small fee. Please contact the Society using the form below for further information.

My thanks to the Scarborough Public Library for their permission to digitize and OCR this book.

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Naming the Two Rod Road


         By Linda Snow McLoon

There are a number of ways various roadways in Scarborough got their names. In early times, roads were often named after a family who lived on the road – the Fogg Road, Burnham Road, and Holmes Road fall into this category. With so many Libbys living in Scarborough, however, one road needed to be more specific: the Manson Libby Road.

In some cases, roads were named to indicate where they would take you: the Gorham Road and Pine Point Road are examples of this. In many instances, those laying out roads would label it after a prominent geographical feature that everyone would recognize, such as the Ash Swamp Road and the Beech Ridge Road. In more recent times, developers have submitted road names to honor a family member. For example, we have Herbert Drive, Phillip Street, and Ellie Avenue.

Then there is the Two Rod Road, which might find us puzzling over that name’s origin. A document that is part of the historical society’s ephemera collection clears up the mystery. On April 14, 1792, Surveyor Bruce Banks reported to selectmen Peter Libby, Joshua Libby, and John A. Milliken that a plan for the roadway they’d requested had been laid out. After specifying the path of the road, he wrote, “Said road to be two rods in width taking one rod out of each lot where two men join such road.” This tells us that the Two Rod Road was originally laid out to be 33 feet wide since a surveyor’s rod measures 16.5 feet, which is based on the length of 25 links in a surveyor’s chain. Today the Two Rod Road is a convenient connector between Holmes Road, Payne Road, and Scottow Hill Road.

The numbering in the top right corner of the document indicates the box, folder, and document number location of this item in the ephemera collection. Since each document has been entered into an index, visitors can easily go right to the location of an item they’re interested in and examine the primary document.

1792 Document regarding Two Rod Road – Ephemera ID 7C-42-37

[Editor’s Note:] This article was originally published in Owascoag Notes, May/June 2022, page 3. If you did not receive that issue because you aren’t a member, please visit our Membership Page.

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70.14.17j1 – Letter – re The Meeting House 2nd Parish

Tilton Letter 70.14.17j1 – Re: The Meeting House 2nd Parish (20 pages).

Also available: The Original Typewritten Transcript

The Original Handwritten Letter


Page 1 of 20

The Meeting House 2nd Parish in Scarboro, was a large building . I know not it’s dimensions with a porch in front- with 3 doors of entry- 2 flight of stairs leading to gallery on 2 sides, with ” Singing seats”in front- 2 other doors lead to side aisles-with pews on each side, some 70 or more pews in the 3 aisles-square, round the walls, and long in the center, with 2 whole length. At the head for deaf people, or those not owning seatsail seats”turned up” and shut noisily after prayers. Aged persons had a high back chair for greater comfort, the pews being narrow seats, without cushions or lining. The pulpit was large with several steps raising it above the platform below, where sat the Deacons, behind the”Communion Table”

There were some 30 or more large windows without a blind except at the pulpit and ministers pew of their own placing-Cushions also to the Southgate pew in broad aisle- a great contrast to present luxurious church sitting! The house was a fine looking structure within, without, for those times- white outside: , no paint within, a large Sounding Board over the Desk, on the desk on red velvet cushion, was a very large Biblei Opposite the pulpit were the “singing seats where the leading ■ musician waved off the time i&ith his right hand, arm in the distance below his wife quavered treble to his tenor sometimes good Dr. David Bacon kept company with his Bass Viol sometimes “later on Watts grand old words were chanted solo by wofthy Deacon Moulton, rather than being without music on the Sabbath as part of regular worship- The Bible was given to a church gathered later in N. part of Scarboro. Around the large square where the meeting house stood Miss Southgate had set out.

When those trees first came into notice, the Lombardy Poplar which flourished well. I won’t attempt to discribe the different occupants bf those pews tho my memory of many of them is very vivid some may find a place further on in these reminissences.
As to prayer meetings, they were not known in that society. , Lecture of Whurs before communion Sun. 1st Sun. in the month and occasional lectures at school houses, in distant localities, to favor aged persons unable to attend Sundays- were all the :: :
religions gatherings I recal, people were too far apart and farming population to weary for eve meetings- labore, not era was mostly in practice, until the invasion of the noisy “Cochranites”. Their nightly gatherings were a reproach upon the word “Christian” Their vocales cardiums could be heard miles on the still air-their god being deaf, or on a journey, requiring a loud appeal.

Pg 4
This disorderly movement disgusted conversative minds and caused discord in families instead of the true religious peace attendant an quiet worship– Thank god that wave of fanatical emotional ignorance has spent itself long ere this– I willnot – but trust
it has been succeeded by reasonable for truth
rather than emotion praciting charity rather than envy-
Social gatherings were frequent in my early days at Dunstan quite a party from 20 to 30, young middle aged, would meet of both sexes in the afternoon, conversation the usual game no tea, “handed round” with the
usual accompamments- After this a stroll outside a general flitting at early hours- When visits were at a distance we went very early giving the hostess timeto prepare, bake biscuit the universal pie, or custard for supper- with table well loaded with edibles well cooked. The farmers in Scar’ were good very hospitable
One old gent whose house was open to city friends-made the remark” when visiting here these- friends par takeabundently- we visit them and tis a cup of tea a cracker then set back”! too true in many cases.

One of the social or ministerial gatherings, was the county “Association of Clergy” held annually at some appr^pri^cfee appointed brother ministers house- those from distance came the night previous- Services were held in the church, usOSgfAy well filled. Abusiness meeting dinner followed, which was a great affair every way – the parish presenting many needed needful articles, even doz clay pipes – various kinds of choice Liquors of some kind- “Scar”- had its strong votaries to Bacchus – but there was less public criminal result from their habits, than we find in later times- doubtles much of the present evil is an inheritance from ancestrial habits, increased by adulterated liquors – sleighing parties in winter to “March^ Tavern near Seth Libbys, of later years, I think were common dancing, a supper, general good time followed til the small hours called to seperate- Friends from Portland, other towns often met at these winter parties.

Previous to 1810, there were 2 larlge well supplied stores of all necessary articles, at Dunston Corner, Mr. Wood kept one, Joseph Emerson Haines kept one sometime before the latter went to Port”, with his family some members residing there now. Mr. E. lived in a largi* house standing now at the corner leading from landing to broad turn road, clay hill so called he and his wife died there leaving 8 children. Rufus in Portland Wm. with Gov. King of Bath Joseph at Limerick Irene the eldest man Mr. Donnell lived at the old place, – kept the stone awhile, also the P office and Tavern, some of his children ewre there lately, he, his wife died there few years ago. Mr Htig^t had a black smith shop near these stores the only one in the place.
He had a large house opposite, a large family of children settled in different parts of Maine. Amos son succeeded his father in shop and homestead. A worthy family Mr. H. was several years represenative from S. to the general court in Boston before the seperation of Me. Dr. Alvan Bacon lived in a square house next Mr. Hight.

His brother Dr. David opposite him in smaller house, after ward belonging to J. Milliken the one David moved to Boston as early 12 or 13 was a prominent “physi” there many years. Dr Alvan was the only “phys” in “Scar” -but sickness took him from his loved profession, to the regret of his extensive circuit of patients. His two sons were M. D’s and died within a few years at Biddeford in good practice- one daughter mar Dr. Larabee who took her Father’s practice – the eldest went to Detroit as wife of Rodney Hill both have passed away.
My early memory of the landing shows the old aunt Eunice… Milliken house on the right very near the river- a large vessel just ready to launch in the stocks.Father took us to see the launch, but it was a failure. I doubt if another vessel was built there- 2 houses on the left belonged to Capt. Snow and brother seaman. I have lost trace of them-Next came the “old King Mansion” standing back in the yard with barn in front, I trust it stands there yet! The original house consisted of one room with bedroom adjoining, a swellery and dresser, small entry, big chimney and oven some six feet brick hearth and low garret!, dark as Erebus.
Appended to this was a large two story structure of two rooms a wide hall very broad stairs leading to Z chambers on first floor and above all plastered but no paint any where a large parlor with sanded floor, wall paper.

Shepperdess playing a reed, four windows, no blinds, smaller room back of this called the study, no libraries then, a door led from the study” to the field back where stood the tall smoke house for curing the hams. A garden or orchard was on the other side joining Snower house. Next on the road, the Coolbrots house, ajlarge family, quakers in believe, as were Jon M. Pillsbury family next on the opposite side the C’s moved on to the road to Saco and scattered- J. Pillsbury was the shoe maker for the community, had a nice family some living at Dunstan now I think. He was a pleasant man, his thee, thou, the wonders of his crafty even the bristles were very attractive to us children to get leather shoe strings or a heel tapped and listen to his stories.
Next came a small house, mother of C. Carle, the return driver of Paine’s Mail Stage between Port- and Boston. Everybody knew, and some feared Charles Carle with such a stalwart frame, red face and ready oaths allways prompt in his duties–.-

Then on right hand of road came the Southgate house, a Dutch style house, windows on the gambel roof stood back in a yard, end to the road. Barns, outhouses farther down in yard, not a large house, but large family, and great many visitors of note from N.Y. Boston, Salem. When crowded at home the ladies filed off to Father’s in the King House to lodge, but in 1809 Judge S. built a large brick house on the Post Road near Dunstan Corner which is still standing, now the Scammon place. The Southgate family consisted of the Judge, wife and twelve children, were buried in the grave yard at Dunstan. Consumption took all but Horatio the eldest son, away before midlife. An old house was on the same side of the road as the S. house, I forget its owner. Next came the small cottage of mine and Rachel Milliken single daughter of Augur Milliken. Their farmer large dwelling stood on the Post road just above the S. new house, and was taken down from age.
At the angle formed by the Post and Landing roads crossing stood the old Meeting House, which I never saw. About the’ corner were the stores, dwellings, described above.

Beyond Dr. Bacon’s house stood a large dwelling of Milliken his name a seaman I think. Opposite this was Col. John Rice who’s widow was a relative of Mrs. King. She was many years the tailoress of the community and aunt to everybody- It was a gala to the children when Aunt Rice came for a week or more to sew for boys and girls both. She was a keen observer of character bright and humorous. Being a relative of the Kings she never spared his persecutors or those supsited as such.
Her daughter’s were Mrs Martin Jose of Scarborough, the second Mrs Haines, 3, Mrs Means of Augusta. Next to Rice’s were small houses then the grave yard as it is now only approved in appearance, and more fully occupied. Then came two families of Coalbrooks, 11 people. Marm C. was a constant church goer her red cloak and hood gave notice of her as she walked ori^and on£ half miles each Sunday to church aged seventy. Her grandson was Rev.Mr. Hughes Unit. Minister of good repute, died a short time since. On the opposite side stood the old schoolhouse where gathered all both great and small of past and present times. I suppose the same old building still stands. In the yard of it was the Chadwick House.

There lived in nun like seclusion the widow and 3 single daughters of Rev B. Chadwick the former pastor of the 2nd Church. Fear of the S. children shut them in like prisoners. Nabby the eldest taught school in other locations – and several years they were favored with the Village P.office til its patrons complained that its door never opened wide enough to take in or hand out any mail matter. Some way above this stood a large brick house several barns, outhouse of Capt. Mulberry Milliken, the only tavern in the place many years. Travelers of any respectability made the clergymen’s house their Inn, til it was changed to greater distance from the Post road. Mr. Milliken was a substantial man, brought up a large and worthy family, two sons six daughters, heirs of some reside there now. Dr. Bacon’s wife was Lis eldest. The late D.J. Milliken of Scarb. his g.son-opposite this place was two large houses Carter of Port, one son – Phebe the eldest daughter was sent to England the first Morman Missionary. I cant say if others of the family were of like belief. The place now belongs to A. Moulton. Mr. Carter was a Tanner by trade, only one in town – near here the Blue Point road.

There were Boothby’s, Seaveys, Burbanks on the road to Saco above these houses. But I turn again to Dunstan Broad turn road – on the brow of Clay Hill stood the little shanty of the only colored persons in Scar. Reuben and Nabby Jackson, whether they were slaves of Mr. King, I cant say but think Nabby may have been the sick slave under whose bed he and when that mob burned and his stores – they were
factotums in the South family on all occasions very worthy neat, pleasant, we children delighted to stop in on the way and have Nabby say, “Ruby dear fetch a cheer for Jonny”. Reuben was the village slayer of hogs – chores-the old grave has their dust – more pure in soul than many while remain lying beside theirs – The clay hill extended quite a distance and a brook and bridge at its foot on the road – on a mound just inside the pasture were the graves of Mr. Mrs. King, he requested to be laid there = some 30 yrs after her death, Mrs. King was brot from her dau’s at Topsom and laid beside him.

There has been talk of erecting some tablet over these graves -also of removing their dust, but I think neither has been done -on the right hand going from Dunstan up, next came the house of Deacon Amos Andrews-one of those who subrosa persecuted Mr. King-next was Gideon Rice – shoemaker – a stiff democrat, as were the majority of Scar. – especially a large ignorant class enemies of law and order.
Mr left no child – disliked progress, “the old ways were good enough for him” better grow potatoes then spend time on roses” – was his advice to Father on seeing him trimming bushes in front yard, “best to do both as I do was the reply” – Next was house of Capt Pillsbury an escentric old seaman – the almanac batometer of the vicinity – but genial pleasant neighbor, fond of long yarns, late hours. He watched from gallery window in the church the encounter of the “Enterprize and Boxer” off Port, harbor during the war of 1812, he was very proud of his glass -his eyes also – he left 8 sons worthy citizens 1 dau. who died of late 90 yrs .

Thomas Fendersin’s house was opposite a sturdy farmer whose land reached to the yard of M± house, a fine grove of willows lined the road to the next house of Mr. Stuwart – on rising ground opposite Mt house, or just above.
This place my father bought in 1810 as convenient to church and occupied til 1833. The land reached the turn of roads to Nonsuch, on left, rocky hill right so termed, tho both crest the river – Reuben Fogg lived at this corner house a most worthy man, family of 2 dau. on right hand, house of Eben Burnham or Bremen B. so called from his voyages to that port – an enterprising man with large family – In 1830, Gov. E. Lincoln took this farm in exchange for better farming landcat Garlond, the family went there, some members are living there yet -Gov. Lincoln was repairing the house, had moved his large library in when he went from our house to deliver a lecture and died suddenly. __ My Father, Brother took the place =
after Father died brother went to Minn-ta and lived prosperously til within few yrs – he and his wife died, 4 dau. survive = 2 in Minn, near anoka, 2 in Wt.

I cant say if anyone administered, on his estate – it will be useless to look for books or records of business, it would be difficult also to follow the steps of some 30 pupils who left the preceptor in 1828. Some were with us 3 yrs, some 3 mo -several became active businessmen in N. York, in Boston and in Saco. 8 of the Cutts relatives – 2 Greenes 2 Piersons, Shannon, Snow, Hye, from Saco – 1 Cutts of the above from Berwick, 1 from Mass, White from Newberry, 2 Harmons, Usher from Boston, Keating and Adams from Portland, Boyd also Meserve 2 Storors, Board from Scar. Burnham Fabyn and Carter day pupils are what I recall by name of only one of these, he was my pet, did we ever have a sad report, several came as ungovernable else where, but never rebelled while with us, they,./treated as gent and taught to govern themselves. But many boys freaks were carried on unnoticed, when harmless. But few children went abroad to school. Judge Soothgates dauh to Boston, Port. 2 sons to Bowdoin.

Dr. Bacon 2 da to Port – eldest brother to Exeter and Harvard, and Gorham 3 Brunswick and Woodstock Med. schools, all three have passed away. My sister, the widow of James McLaughlin with whom I live myself only survive. James McLaughlin was from Beach Ridge, Scar. The Port. Argus was the chief news paper, taken by very few, and ^as by no means a reading community in those days – Republicans were few, and religious papers were not the fashion till later. In fact S. was a sleepy place, hard work on sterile soil for food was the general occupation. Some could take sound n naps – “under the droppings of the sanctuary”.
I well remember Mr. N. Libby of vinegar fame , so sound asleep at the hjrad of his pew in broad aisle that his family passed out and left h im. When Father went by he touched him, when roused he was very anem –his family no doubt realized their joke. He was as acid as h is noted vinegar from which a road was named to designate and his labor in obtaining it.

I recall another amusing incident in church. Father was urging his hearers to make public profession, so called of religion, and in orratorial florish he paused, looking in cartain direction, ” he says after giving some pleas for neglect”, What says that man yonder quite a rustle was heard when saintly, Mr John Jose rose and said, ” I didn’t hear him say anything Sir”. He sat down and the preacher took up his subject. Mr. Mrs. Jon Collins, whose farm was above the intervale and Rocky Hill, claimed notice as being marked chatacters, for simplicity, kindness.^ hospitality. They had no children but brought up several of both sexes. Some of whom married remaining with them. They were Aunt and Uncle Colly to the community. Devoted to each other in a long life together and in death not divided. Mr C. died suddenly, falling from his chair his wife threw herself beside him, in her distress crying out “Speak Colly, speak, if youre alive, if youre dead holler!” She never rallied, but joined Colly and they were laid at one time in the tomb’ they had prepared on their own ground near their house.

They were greatly lamented, his brother came from Cape Cod, heir to his property. He was of the same type of character their word was their only surety. Never having used a written note Mr. C. and wife sat side by side at table and twas said ate from one plate, food was all served from one large pewter platter, meat flanked by vegtables. Their dresser was resplendent with bright pewter of all sizes.
I recall but few old servants, Molly Richards, a faithful attache in the Southgate home, Becky and Sophy Milliken, dau’s of Aunt Eunice at the landing, they »®re excellent in their calling. Becky was a strong sturdy woman, could take up a full barrel of cider and move it. She was in general demand on all occasions, either of company or sickness. She had 2 sons by different names. Sam Chesley went to N.Y. prospered and took his mother home in her old age. She made an impression on visitors with us, who would inquire for Becky Milliken. Her mother was a sub. to Dr. Bacon in certain cases, her sons Mulbery and Fred lived at Dunstan. Many of the residents were employed at the ships, owning a house and some land upon which they toiled after laying by the broad axe. From that generation has ever luted a more active and aspiring class of characters now living at Dunstan I hope.

Weddings,always demand notice, I remember one or two that were some what marked, at the King house when living there. A couple from the village desired to avoid publicity but the gent’s friends thinking it mean in them found out when it was to take place and where, and resolved to be witnesses-Just as Father was sobmeying the bards, there rushed in some doz men disfigured with mud and other marks. Greatly to the . surprise and discomfort of all, especially the bridal party and the groom begged to make compensation for the dirt and extra trouble but mother declined. Next morning came a handsome note of apoligy from the young bloods who carried out their escapades and with it a liberal supply of liquors and goodies. Another time 2 carriages drove up with a bridal party from Port. Father had gone to see his hay cut on the dyke marsh 2 miles away, the best man offered to go for him if tz.e could have a guide to point him out. So I, 5yr. oldcwas dispatched in search, found brot him home, when the bards were soon united having waited so long and come so far mother after the ceremony offered cake and wine,

They partookand the groom who was a whole souled sailor had followed mother and insisted upon giving a second fee in return for their treat, which she wouldnt accept.
Weddings at the house always interested us children causing no little excitement and grief when coming after our bed time hours. I know of no houses burnt one removed from Rocky Hill to Blue Point by Capt. Snow, whose wife was a Collins from Cape Cod. The house opposite the church where we lived 30 yrs has been taken down and ajlarger one built. It stood on a knoll of fellspar with earth just sufficient in front, to bear fine roses and Hive us a well of choice drinking water. From the chamber windows on moon light nights I could see the ocean at Old Orchard and always heard it’s roar previous to a storm. It has changed greatly in late days only one house near the beach in 1829 when I last bathed in its restless waves.
Capt. Roger Libby was noted for his style of language when drilling his command “March up to that cow pat, turn, contention the whole and listen to the distractions the general court has sent us”. That was previous to seperation from Mass.



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89.9.1979 – Letter from N. & M. Tilton to their children – 19 July 1846

Besides Tilton, the following surnames are mentioned: Burnham, Storer, Hatch, Finney, Perkam, Strickland, Smith, Wiggin, & Chase. 

There is an interesting story about Sidney Burnham, with an ax, being arrested.

This OCR text version has not been reviewed or edited for OCR mistakes. Please refer to the original document image for exact words. Also, a copy of the original transcription is here.

19 July 1846

Dear children,

Page 1 of letter

In anticipation of finding ye box, about which you had previously written, I called at Saco depot yesterday, but came near a disappointment, as there is no expressman, nor ex. office at Saco and ye captain of affairs had nothing to do with articles entrusted to an express. While talking quite loudly a young man arrived in waggon, and said ye box had come and was town at Bank’s tavern. I dont understand how ye express is connected with boat and cars, and yet distinct and seperate, must inquire and inform myself. I returned to Bank’s and recd. ye box safi and sound and paid for. Rather better luck than with umbrella of old. Of Wm. it may be wise to speak no more, as it and your inquiries are worn equally threadbare ere this. You understand well how to make ye hearts bound with joy and gratitude. May ye best of blessings fall to your lot in return for your generous and affectionate contribution to remember and make happy your Mother’s approaching 80th natal anniversary. On ye coming Wednesday you will have yours before you, together with a specimen, we hope, of similar articles as yse. forwarded to us for ye day, while our thots are mutually fixed on her, who, under Providence, has been ye head and arm, stay and life of us all nearly half a century, and who, tho often suffering from and debility.

Mrs Storer inquired about you last week, of ye senior’s health in particular, I replied, sick and well alternately, and wishing us ” to live out a green old age” She thot your wish wonderfully gratified in your mother’s deep green. Reflecting on ye scenes thro which she has past and in what she now sustains, we have no little reason to be thankful to a heavenly Father who has watched over her and all of us and permits us still to rejoice together in ye enjoyment o£ his manifold mercies on earth. Andyyet it behooves us often to advert to such reflections as in your 400 psalm by Hawkes-worth “Yet a few years or days perhaps — or moments pass in silent lapse and time with me shall be no more” etc.

On Friday last Mrs. Hatch, of whom we both dreampt ye day and night previous called and passed ye day, said she came on purpose to wash for us, but Mrs. Finney had washed on Monday previous and your mother was underway for a no small ironing but was overtaken by a severe attack of colic nothing like it this summer.Mrs Hatch’s coming was very apportu une, her attention to your mother was like a mother’s to her child, did all ironing and everything else necessary,was remarkably kind and offered to come and take care of mother any time if sick, or come and wash.

The circumstance fairly excited mother’s gratitude and rendered old impressions quite oblivious. The woman has faults, who has not? “L t But, she has judgment, capacity, industry and ability for business found only in a precious few, that go out to service. I carried her nearly home in chaise not only thanked her for her kindness, but lamented her faults, which deprived your mother of your very assistance she most needed. She said she was sensible of your’s and were she to return next season,believed she should yield less to feeling, of ye moment.She desired me to say she had run away.

Hitherto we have continued to milk our two cows and take care of ye milk but finding it of little or no use to enslave ourselves \ i.u: thus, we gave ye whole concern to Eunice for one half her butter. So you perceive I am ridding myself of a task not ye less irksome by confining me to ye paid and your mother to ye routine of pans. Notwithstanding I cleared ye fields at hoeing. I cannot willingly abondon ym in haying especially as Henry is disappointed in a man to whom he had paid $8. in advance to assist in mowing. We are letting a part in shares. Mr. McL. was there before we commenced. Had we as heavy a crop in proportn. we should despair of ye end till a snowfall. But as our fields were much winter killed we hope to get through in summer and in season to pass a little time at Pitts.

You point us to ye cars for conveyance. Of course, if.mother goes, altho we have exchanged our Lid chaise for another and remarkably easy one and oh yes own and possess a very good family horse. The full strength of all your old invites to Bangor I perceive, is presented anew, and with fresh and additional vigor in your last. We thank you most cordially for kind and urgent invitations and sincerely regret it is not compatible with our and your wishes ye present season. Say, with our compliments to Mrs. Perkam, Mrs. Strikland and Anna that they must compensate you for our unavoidable absence. How unfortunate your neighbor Mrs. Smith! and how wonderful that similiar casualties are not more frequent. What do we not owe to ye author and preserver of life I

Our Neighborhood has been not a little alarmed and agitated till within 10 or 12 days past, Sidney Burnham in ye wigwam opposite us commenced a high handed career, first killing his father’s swine and next at attempt at our hens, which led to a skirmish with myself, it being in ye dooryard, next his father’s hens and ended in taking away bars and fences to let creatures into corn etc. Complaint was at length made to H. and Esq. Donnell, and they directed ye officer to arrest him. They had to break in ye windows and with long poles make him dr©p his ax, which they seized and then grabbed and dragged him to ye house of correction at Portland where he now is to ye great relief of ye neighborhood.

We have had a good supply of strawberries which lasted till yesterday, quite a supply of currants, and gooseberries for 2 pies. Yes Henry, allye Bangor trees are doing well and we hope you will yet eat from yours as good plums in Scar, as grandpapa has at Bangor. The little folks here are all well, ye measles have been at Mrs. Chases but not yet reached here.

Curiosity could not be surpressed till ye box was opened. Henry had seen ye letter but could not imagine its contents. While I was dining directed him to remove ye cover and open ye box and it did me as much good to see all both great and small gratified with a look and a taste as it does Mr. Mrs. L. to see his friends eat ye first of his garden. You are thot to be dreadful good folks down at Bangor, wish you lived nearer. Weather is variable here as with you, rather dry of late. Mother’s ill turn Friday shrunk her considerably, but today she is quite revived. I can’t ride so often as she needs, and dare not trust her alone. Hope to be more at leisure soon. Peter Wiggin’s salt river letters were nuts Henry liked to crack. Uou see some funny stories that dont reach us and vice versa probably. When you take up ye pen you hold on to it like stags, write on then, we will read, but expect not an idea in return till Sept. Uniled love and friendly affection to all ye household and friends of ye same.

Your affectionate parents

N. and M. Tilton

P.S. Louisee wishes me to say how thankful she is Aunt Mary for ye basket and books. I think myself they will awaken attention to Ker grandma which has begun to flop.

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Thank You!

Thank You Flaherty’s & Joyce!

Watering Trough with flowers from Joyce Alden.

Window Box with flowers from Flaherty’s.

A special thank you to Flaherty’s for their thoughtful donation of the lovely flowers for the Museum window boxes this year. Also, our thanks to Joyce Alden for the beautiful impatiens for the watering trough.


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