Warrant – 20 March 1826 – Cattle Restriction & The Widow Moody.

Warrant to John Dunnell Constable of Scarborough
Warrant no.

——  Front  ——

To John Dunnell Constable of the Town of Scarborough.

Image of 1826 Warrant.

You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to summon and notify the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to assemble at the meeting house in the first parish in said town on Monday the third day of April next at eleven o’clock A.M. to act on the following articles viz.

1st To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.
2nd To see if the town will restrict cattle from going at large the year ensuing and vote accordingly
3rd To see if the town will except a bill from Joshua Libby in regard to building a house for the widow Moody and her daughters town paupers & vote accordingly.
4th To pass and vote or votes relative to the above.

Given under our hands this twentieth day of March 1826.

Joseph Fogg      } Selectmen of
Joshua Libby     }  Scarborough

——  Back  ——

Image of cover and completion of 1826 Warrant, town of Scarboro, Maine

Scarboro March 23 1826

By virtue of this warrant I have notified the inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time & place & for the purpose within mentioned.

   John Donnell } Constable.

[Transcription by Betty McKown, Scarborough Historical Society: Encapsulated Collection #38 – Note to the Constable to notify inhabitants of town to vote regarding building a home for the widow Moody.]

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Warrant – 24 Feb 1840 – Vote on Strip Annex to Saco?

Warrant 1840
Febry 24

——  Front  ——

To James Larrabee one of the constables of the town of Scarborough you are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to summon and notify the inhabitants of said town (qualified by the constitution to vote in town affairs) to assemble at the meeting house in the first parish in said town on Monday the twenty fourth day of Feb inst at two o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz.

  1. To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.
  2. To see what method the Town will take to defend the towns right against the petition of Willis McKenney and others praying that the patent strip so called in Scarborough might be set off from said Scarborough and annexed to the town of Saco.

Given under our hands this thirteenth day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred ad forty.

Stephen Waterhouse }
Solomon Stuart          } Selectmen of
Solomon Bragdon      } Scarborough

——  Back  ——

Cumberland February 17, 1840, Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the within named inhabitants, to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within specified as therein directed.

   James Larrabee, Constable.

[Transcription by Betty McKown, Scarborough Historical Society: Encapsulated Collection #26 – Warrant regarding 1840 vote on strip being annexed to Saco.]

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Ephemera – Jona Fogg Bill (1834)

Encapsulated Collection #27.

I find it interesting to see old receipts. Different spellings, different use of words and phrases and the amount paid for work. In this 1834 bill, Jonathan Fogg, Jr., was paid a dollar a day for all his work and jobs except for proportioning school money. Interesting…

1834 – The Town of Scarborough to Jonathan Fogg Jr.

To one day laying out a road from W. Holmes to Saco line     1.00

To half day drawing warrents                                                    .50

To three days making Highway tax                                          3.00

To half day makin out notices                                                    .50

To making State Town and County tax six days                    6.00

To one day letting out poor                                                     1.00

To one day on business                                                            1.00

To one day proportioning school money                                   .50

To one day running Holmes Road                                            1.00

To one half day drawing jury men                                             .50

To half day letting out Holmes Road                                          .50

To one half day drawing jury men                                             .50

To one half day attending to the Poor                                     1.00

To three days setting for abatements                                      3.00

To one half day making returns of schoolers for state            .50

To one day drawing warrents for March meeting                   .50

To one half day drawing jurymen                                              .50


Transcription by Don Taylor, Scarborough Historical Society. Encapsulated Collection 27.

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SHS Students – 1955

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Beech Ridge School Update

By Karlene Osborne

Beech Ridge Schoolhouse – Spring 2023
Photo by Karlene Osborne

The Building Committee reports that most of the exterior work on the 1860s one-room school at 184 Holmes Road has been completed, including new siding, windows, doors, and a roof. An accessible ramp still needs to be built and the chim- ney pointed. When funds allow, a new septic system will be installed. Our local contractor, Alden Joinery & Restoration, will then proceed to work on interior partitions and roughing in wiring, etc. To date we have raised $166,000 toward a goalof $280,000. Please help us restore this historical building by sending a tax-deductible donation to Scarborough Historical Society and Museum, PO Box 156, Scarborough, ME 04070-0156 or donate through https:// www.gofundme.com/SHS-Restore-Beech-Ridge-School. We are a 501(c)(3) organization. For more information or if you can provide in-kind services, call 207-885-9997 or contact us at scarboroughhist@gmail.com. Thank you for your continued support.

Interior photo of the Beech Ridge Schoolhouse restoration. Spring 2023.
Interior of the Beech Ridge Schoolhouse. Spring 2023 – Photo by Karlene Osborne
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