The Roadside Cabins of Scarborough

A talk by Rodney Laughton

Vintage photo of the Skillings Cabins, Junction Route 1 & 9, West Scarboro, Me.
Skillings Cabins, Junction Route 1 & 9.

On Sunday, November 5th, at 2:00 p.m., Rodney Laughton will talk about the roadside cabins of Scarborough. Before automobiles provided another travel option, vacationing visitors to Scarborough arrived by train, ships and even horse and carriage, usually staying at accommodations at Prouts Neck or Pine Point. Beginning in the 1920s, with the increasing availability of the automobile, a new type of lodging appeared—the roadside cabin. This program will focus on those businesses that were built in Scarborough. Rodney Laughton, the current president of the Scarborough Historical Society, is a lifelong resident of Scarborough who has been researching and documenting Scarborough history for more than forty years.

Now available on YouTube.

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Page Updates – September 2023


Annual Reports

Added Town of Scarborough Annual Report – 2004



Added: McKenney Envelope – Lynwood Dyer – Maine Room.

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Early Scarborough Tourism
By Linda Snow McLoon

After a long break from offering public programs due to the Covid outbreak, the Scarborough Historical Society will resume presenting programs with speakers at the Scarborough Public Library on Sunday, October 8, beginning at 2:00pm. Speaker Linda Snow McLoon’s program, Early Tourism in Scarborough, will look at the factors that brought visitors to Scarborough in the 19th century, the modes of transportation they used to travel here, and the early summer hotels and cottages in Scarborough that attracted tourists.

The Scarborough Historical Society has scheduled a full roster of programs for the coming year. The next program on November 5will be The Roadside Cabins of Scarborough. Rodney Laughton will tell the story of how a whole new type of lodging popped up – the roadside cabin – after automobiles became available in the 1920s.


Early Tourism in Scarborough by Linda McLoon

For more information, call the library at 396-6279 or the Scarborough Historical Society at 885-9997.

Photo of three young people in a boat.
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Page Updates – August 2023


Grammar Schools


Class of 1951 – Added two photos:
Photo – Dunstan Grammar School Students – Grade 7
Photo – Dunstan Grammar School Students – Grade 5



Plummer’s Hill

DedicationBoston 120 Milestone, Kings Highway – Route 1, near KMart – 27 Oct 1973 – (Mrs. Hayden Fancy & Mr. & Mrs. Fred Swasey – 2023.19.40. (Photo Back)

Events Page

Community Events

Added: The Maine Hayride – 1988

Research Page

Annual Reports – Town of Scarborough

I added the 1853-1854 Finance and School Reports for Scarborough to Digital Maine. This is a report of the financial transactions of the Town of Scarboro (Scarborough), Maine. It includes Receipts, & Expenditures (Town’s Poor, Roads & Bridges, Abatements, Payments to Town Officers, Sundries, Schools, & Recapitulation). Also includes the Annual Report of the Superintending School Committee of the Town of Scarborough for the year ending March 1st, 1854 and provides information regarding the 13 schools of Scarborough including teacher names and number of students.

Links Page

On our Links Page, I added:

Preservation – Online resource for historic preservation, building restoration and cultural resource management in the United States & Canada. – Database of financial resources, educational programs, and work-training opportunities for historic preservation, home & building restoration, cultural resources, and the arts.

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The Maine Hay Ride

Do you remember…35 Years ago….

The Maine Hay Ride: Good News From The Heart of Maine to The Heart of America.

In 1988, due to drought, farmers near Youngstown, Ohio, suffered a small first harvest of hay for their livestock, and a second harvest was nonexistent. Because of a lack of feed, farmers needed to sell off much of their livestock at huge losses. Maine farmers donated thousands of bales of hay to support the Youngstown farmers. Thanks to St. Johnsbury Trucking, the Maine Department of Agriculture, WMTW-TV, and WPOR Radio, help would be on its way. Dropoff locations included the St. Johnsbury Trucking Terminal in Scarborough. A convoy of 20 trailers filled with 10,000 bales of hay headed to Ohio to help the drought-stricken farmers. Mainers can be proud of the donation and Scarborough’s part in the event.

Maine Hay Ride Convoy – August 1988 – 10 trucks with double trailers – moving hay to Ohio.

For more information about the 1988 Maine Hay Ride, see newspaper clippings and photos on the SHS Website.

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