The Villages of Scarborough

During 2011, the Scarborough Leader ran a series of articles about the various “Villages of Scarborough” which began with “Town is Rich in Village History” and was followed by 10 articles regarding various “villages” in Scarborough. These articles included the following:

  1. Pine Point – Clams were core of Pine Point community.
  2. Blue Point – Proud of their ‘Hiller’ heritage.
  3. Dunstan – Dunstan defined community.
  4. North Scarborough – Grange hall was the hub of activity in North Scarborough.
  5. Oak Hill – Oak Hill has seen some changes.
  6. Black Point – Black Point had ‘everything right there.’
  7. Prouts Neck – Prouts Neck history features big hotels.
  8. Spurwink – Farms dominated Spurwink landscape.
  9. Higgins Beach – Residents recall bonds of summer.
  10. Pleasant Hill – Plenty of work and play in Pleasant Hill.

These articles have been compiled and are available as a PDF file in: “The Villages of Scarborough.”

Additionally, all of these articles are available through the efforts of the Scarborough Public Library through “Advantage Preservation.”  The Scarborough Leader issues from 1995 thru 2018 are available through Advantage Preservation.


Posted in Black Point, Blue Point, Dunstan, Higgins Beach, North Scarborough, Oak Hill, Pine Point, Pleasant Hill, Prout's Neck, Spurwink | Comments Off on The Villages of Scarborough

Beech Ridge School Update

By Rodney Laughton

Beech Ridge School

With the schoolhouse on its new foundation, plans were to begin structural restoration this spring. The viral pandemic has set those plans back a bit. However, in February, Robbie Alden of Alden Joinery was able to spend a few days removing the suspended ceiling in the main room, gutting the bathroom, and taking down wall material to allow for new wiring. He has installed a sump pump to keep water out of the basement and will return in May to continue work. Volunteer Steve Howard will do the groundwork around the school, clearing brush and trees to make a parking area, as well as grading around the school.

We wish to thank all who have contributed to the restoration of the schoolhouse, including the Prouts Neck Historical Society who made a generous donation.

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Encapsulated Scrapbook – 1884-1979

This is a collection of 42 newspaper articles that were encapsulated into a collection probably during the 1970s at the Society. It consists of articles as early as 1884 and as recent as 1979 with the majority of articles from the early 1900s.

The articles include:

  • Scarboro Witchcraft and Haunted Houses – Ghostly Tales That Our Fathers Related With as Much Sincerity as They Did the Battle of Bunker Hill – Aug 8, 1903.
  • Nimrod, The Scarboro Slave – 18 Jul 1903.
  • Stirring Events in History of Ancient Scarboro – The Battle of Dunstan Landing – May 23, 1903.
  • Stirring Events in History of Ancient Scarboro – The Mobbing of Richard King – May 29, 1903.
  • Stirring Events in History of Ancient Scarboro – The Adventures of Charles Pine – June 13, 1903.
  • Uncle Bill Larrabee’s Big Bear Fight – A Wonderful Tug of War in Which Neither Contestant Was Victor.
  • Church Dedicated at Scarboro (First Parish Congregational Church) – July 20, 1893.
  • Some Early Sketches of Cape Elizabeth – Clashing of Claimants Caused Lots of Trouble, Robert Jordan Fled For His Life by the Light of His Burning Home – – Indians Were Hot on the Trail. April 2, 1904.
  • Some Early Sketches of Cape Elizabeth – Interesting Account of the Time When Richmonds Island Was a Prosperous Trading Port – One of the First Tragedies Through Trouble With the Indians.
  • “Old Bab” The Last New England Slave Whose Grave Is in Scarboro.
  • Scarboro Post Office To Change Its Spelling – April 15, 1965.
  • Where Was Maine’s First Road? It was ‘Kennebunk By The Sea.’
  • [Photo] The bull which swam or forded the Spurwink River to bring supplies to Higgins Beach in 1890 – Apr 11, 1967.
  • Once Upon a Time – First Prout’s Neck Hotel – [ca. 1952]
  • New Nursing Home Opens [Pine Point Manor] – Apr 4, 1960.
  • Scarborough Chin Drapery Recalls Those Libby Beards – June, 1958.
  • Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine Named for 17th Century Scarboro Man – June 26, 1979.
  • Big-City Equipment and Volunteer Personnel Protect Scarboro From Fire [Department]
  • This Day is the Centennial Anniversary of Colonel Samuel Marsh of Scarboro – Oct 30, 1904.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) Part First – Oct 17, 1900.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) Part Second – Oct 24, 1900.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) – Nov 7, 1900.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) Part Seventh – Oct 28, 1900.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) Part Ninth – Dec 12, 1900.
  • Record and Tradition – Dr. Robert Southgate of Dunstan, Scarboro, Ancestors and Descendants – (Grandpa’s Scrap Book) Part Tenth – Dec 19, 1900.
  • His Lucky Find – Parker Libby’s Discovery of Robbers’ Booty – Interesting Incident in Connection with Cumberland Bank Robbery – Aug 1, 1903.
  • Sketches of Early History of the Town of Gorham – How Parkers Corners Became Known as Bobadel from Wrecked Spanish Bark – Oct 17, 1903.
  • First to Act – Cumberland County’s Declaration of Independence – Was Issued in Old Falmouth – 1906.
  • Treasurer’s Notice: Non-Resident Taxes in the Town of Scarboro in the County of Cumberland for the Year 1884.
  • The Westbrook Secret – A Skeleton in the Woods Solves a 232-Year Old Mystery – July 27, 1976.
  • The King Family of Scarborough.
  • A Hundred Years Ago – The King and Southgate Families of Scarborough
  • The Grave of Gov. King
  • Stirring Events in History of Ancient Scarboro – The Mobbing of Richard King and Dr. Abathar Alden – 1903.
  • Terrible Tragedy of the Sea Recalled by the Recurrence of the Date—Many Years Ago Another Dreadful Disaster Like This Off Richmond’s Island – Nov 27, 1904.
  • Scarborough Takes a Look at Earlier Days – Apr 10, 1964.
  • Sketches of Gorham History – The Wild Men of Stroudwater, Mysterious Wanderers Who Frightened Early Inhabitants.
  • Scarborough House [Hunnewell House] Built in 1684 Interests Restoration Proponents – Oct 10, 1967.
  • Lafayette’s Visit – Seventy-Five Years Ago When He was last in Portland – Jun 1900.
  • The Farmer At All Souls – Mr. McLaughlin Told Many Tales of His Native Town.
  • Record of Tradition – The Burial Place of Richard King – Feb 6, 1903.
  • One of Scarborough’s Oldest Homes [Doe Home] – Feb 19, 1960.

Download the entire file from Digital Maine. 





Posted in Black Point, Blue Point, Dunstan, Higgins Beach, Oak Hill, Pine Point, Pleasant Hill, Prout's Neck, Scottow's Hill & Payne, Scrapbooks, Ships, Town Records | Comments Off on Encapsulated Scrapbook – 1884-1979

A House for Elizabeth Moody?

Transcription by Don Taylor – 13 April 2020

Joshua Libby
May 1825


To Joshua Libby One of Constable of town of Scarborough


You are hereby required in the name of the State of main[sic] to summon and notify the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to assemble at the meeting house in first Parish on Monday twenty third of May at five O’clock in afternoon to out on the following Articles to wit

1st To  ??ause a Moderator to regulate said meeting

2d To see if the town will Erect Elizabeth Moody & her two daughters a house for them to live in

3d To ?? Any vote or votes relative to the Above

given under our hand this sixteen day May @ 1825

Benjamin Milliken  } Selectmen of
Moss Libby            } Scarborough

———Back ———

Pursuant to the within warrant I have summoned and notified the within named persons to appear at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned.

Josha Libby – Constable

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SUSPENDED: Celebrating Maine’s Bicentennial – Part 2

The Scarborough Public Library, in line with recommendations from the Federal and Maine Centers for Disease Control to practice social distancing, has suspended scheduled programs and events until further notice. 

See the Scarborough Public Library website for more information.

The Scarborough Public Library and Scarborough Historical Society join to bring a series of programs to our community in celebration of Maine’s Bicentennial of Statehood. The following program is free to attend and is made possible through the financial partnership of the Scarborough Public Library, the Scarborough Historical Society, and the Maine Humanities Council.

Due to limited seating, please register by calling 883-4723, option 4 or emailing

Mapping Maine With the Osher Map Library

Photo of Dr. Matthew Edney, Ph.D.

Dr. Matthew Edney, Ph.D.

Dr. Matthew Edney, Ph.D.

Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 pm

Dr. Matthew Edney is the curator of the Osher Map Library’s Maine Bicentennial Exhibition, Mapping Maine: The Land and Its Peoples, 1677-1842. Using digital images of the exhibit and additional items from the OML collection, Dr. Edney will provide an overview of this special installation. Digital maps of Scarborough’s marshes – an important part of Scarborough’s early and present history – will also be included.

Dr. Edney has been a professor of geography at the University of Southern Maine since 2007 and is the Osher Professor in the History of Cartography with responsibility for courses in map history. He is also a “faculty scholar” in the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education. Since 2005 he has also directed the History of Cartography Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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