Event – Joss & Moulton Dispute – 24 Jul 1830

Joss & Moulton Dispute – 24 Jul 1830

Whereas a dispute has arisen between Nathaniel Joss of Scarborough and Ruben  S Moulton of Scarborough about their respective rights in and obligations to maintain a partition fence in the line between their several lands from the high way running Northwest thirty one rods seven links to a corner thence Southwest five rods seven links to land of Jonathan Joss and whereas we the subscribers/fence viewers of the town of Scarborough upon application to us by said Nathaniel Joss gave due notice by each of said parties to attend if they saw cause at the time and place when and whence assignment should be made therefore by virtue of the statute in such cases provided and after having viewed the premises and duly considered the matter in dispute we have assigned and do hereby assign to each of said parties his share of said fence as follows to wit

The said Nathaniel Joss shall build and keep in repair a legal and sufficient fence from a stake by us this Day set up Northwest thirteen rods to a corner thence Southwest five rods seven links to land of Jonathan Joss and the said Ruben S Moulton shall build and keep in repair of a like fence on the other parte of said line via from the highway, running Northwest eighteen rods seven links to the above mentioned stake

Given under hands at said Scarborough this 24th Day of July 1830

                                                                                    Moses Case }     Fence       
Jonathan Foss } Viewers        

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Joss + R S Moulton


[Transcription by Pam Ridley Keenan, Scarborough Historical Society, 13 January 2020]

[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 54B – Joss and M L Moulton – 24 July 1830”]

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Scarboro Annual Warrant – 1821

To Joshua Libby one of the Constables of the Town of Scarboro


You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to summon and notify the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said town qualifyed by law to vote in town meetings to assemble at the Meetinghouse in the first Parish of said town on Monday the twelvth day of March next at ten o’Clock in the fore-noon to act on the following articles [?] –

1  First to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2  Secondly to choose a Clerk
3ly – to choose all town officers for the year ensuing or untill others are chosen.  School     committee laid over till the adjournment.
4th  – to choose a committee to settle with the Treasurer.
5th  – to see if town will make any alteration in the school districts and vote accordingly.
6th  – to see what method the town will take to make or [?] the highways and vote accordingly.
7th – to see what sum of money the town will excise for the support [?] and vote the same.
8th – to see if the town will accept of any return of roads that may be laid before them.
9th – to see if the town will allow any accounts that may be bid before them.
10th -to see what method the town will take to support their poor
11th -to see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor and for contingencies.
12th -lastly to pass any vote or votes relative to the above –

Given under our hands & seals this Fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord 1821.

                                                            Gideon Rice                 }           Selectmen
                                                            Joseph Fogg                }                  of
                                                            Benjamin Lombeck     }           Scarborough

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Annual Warrant

Pursuant to the Within warrant I have summoned and notified the inhabitants of said town, qualified as therein prepared to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

                                                            Joshua Libby   Constable

[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 12 January 2020]
[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 51 – Warrant Annual 1821”]

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Road – Saco Line to James Parker’s – 1823

Pursuant to a request of the freeholders of the town of Scarborough to us directed to lay out a road from the County line between Scarborough & Saco near David Burnhams Bark Hous to the County road near James Parker. We the subscribers, Selectmen of said town have lain the road as follows      N [?] = begun at the County Line in the old road near the above mentioned bark hous and run North [?] E 26 rods = Thence North by 20 rods cutting of a small piece of John McKenney’s share = Thence N 35 degrees E [?] = Thence N 45 E in the old road 160 rods to the [?] Line = Thence N 49o E 122 rods across D Moultons land – same cours 24 rods on Joseph Moultons land – same cours 10 rods on Jonathan McKenneys land. Thence N 64 E 400 rods on said McKenney’s land, same cours 45 rods on Joseph Foggs land = same cours 12 ½  rods on the before mentioned McKenney to the School Hous near Moses Libbys = N 50o E 53 rods on Elisha Collins land = same cours 58 rods on Nathaniel Joss Jr land = N 45E 56 rods between said Collins & Jonathan Joss to between Mitchel and said Joss 312 rods = to between Capt Joshua Moulton & said Joss 25 rods = to between Jonathan Moulton #3 and land owned by the Widow Meserve 54 rods to between Isaac Harmon & John Meserve 59 rods – N 75 E 43 rods on Theophilus Waterhous land = to on Ephraim Libby 104 rods, to on Jeremiah Deering 32 rods = N 46 and 64 rods in the old road N 51 E 75½ rods on John Meserves Land = to on Wm B Larrabees land 72 rods – to 55 rods on Jacob Staples Land, to 27 rods on Joshua Freemans land to 69 rods on John Meserves Land to old road = N 45 E of the road in old road to 19 rods on James Harmons land to the county road leading from Buxton to Portland – said line is to be the senter of said road and said road is to be three rods wide in every part, which is staked out the whole distance.

Laid out by us the subscribers August 15th1823

                                                                                                John [???]  }  Selectmen of
                                                                                                Moses Libby}  Scarborough

                                                            [Back of page]

A return of the road laid out from the line between Saco & Scarbo to James Parkers

                                                                                                            August 15, 1823

[Transcription by Pam Ridley Keenan, Scarborough Historical Society, 17 January 2021]
[Transcriber Note: The author used “hous” instead of the more common “house.”]
[Ref: “Encapsulated collection 55B – Return of a road laid out from town line”]


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Election Warrant – 21 Oct 1820

To Joshua Libby one of the Constables of the town of Scarborough



You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said town of Scarborough duly qualified by the Constitution to vote for representatives to assemble at the meeting house in the first parish of said town on Monday the Sixth day of November next at one o’Clock afternoon to give in their votes for two Electors of President & Vice-President of the United States (at Large) and one Elector for the Second Eastern district of said state.

Given under our hands & seals this twenty-first day of October 1820

                                                                                         Gideon Rice } Selectmen of Scarborough
                                                  Benjamin Larrabee

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Warrant Election 1820

Capt Joshua
Scarbo  ——–

Pursuant to the written Warrant I have duly notified the inhabitants of said town, qualified to meet at the time and place and purposes within mentioned.         

                                                                                                Joshua Libby    Constable

[Transcription by Pam Ridley Keenan, Scarborough Historical Society, 14 January 2020]

[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 53 – Warrant Election 1820 – 21 Oct 1820”]

Posted in Documents, Town Records, Transcriptions | 1 Comment

Auditor’s Report – 1865-1866

(Auditor Report)

This certifies that I have examined the account of the Town Treasurer of 1865-6 (as entered and balanced in the Treasury Book on the 24th day of February last) and also the list of town-orders drawn and town-notes issued during the first municipal year as with the vouchers for the same, and have detected no errors or deficiencies therein.

The only serious embarrasment and regret connected with this enamination has arisen from the mutilated state of the town-note and town-order books, from each of which there have been taken several blanks-with no vouchers offered, and no security given to the Town, concerning the use which has been made of them.  Such a fact is by no means a novelty in our municipal history, yet so long as this system of mutilation shall continue to be protected by your officers & tolerated by the Town, it must be entirely

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in the power of any and every board of Selectmen to involve the Town in debt to any amount and for any purpose, without the consent, knowledge, or suspicion of the Town, until it may be wholly too late to look for a remedy.

In relation to the recent mutilation of these books, the Town is respectfully referred for information to such statements as your present board of Selectmen are prepared to make; and, for the future safety of the Town, it is very desirable that some immediate check should be put to this unwarrantable and dangerous practice by some action of the Town [?] this subject.  All which is respectfully submitted –

H.S. Storer, Auditor

Scarborough, March 2, 1866


[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 12 January 2020]

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