General Lafayette’s Visit to Scarborough

by Linda Snow McLoon

The Marquis de Lafayette
Joseph-Désiré Court, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) was a French aristocrat and military officer who came to the aid of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. He developed a friendship with George Washington, who put him in command of American troops in several battles, including the Siege of Yorktown. His participation in the war symbolized our link to France, without whose support we might not have won our independence from Great Britain.

As the last surviving Major General of the Revolutionary War, Lafayette was invited by President James Monroe and Congress to visit the 24-state country in 1824 for what would become his Farewell Tour in the United States. As he traveled through the various states, he was greeted along the roadways and in towns and cities by large crowds of cheering citizens.

Scarborough was among the towns that graciously greeted Lafayette in 1825. On his first day in Maine, the general dined in Kennebunk before spending the night in Saco. On the morning of June 25, he was escorted by a large cavalcade to the village of Scarborough and received with high feelings of gratitude by the townspeople.[1]  

A newspaper article that appeared in 1900, 75 years later, describes Lafayette’s visit:
The citizens had an outrider to herald the approach of the illustrious Frenchman, and it was just a quarter before 8 when he appeared on the crown of the hill just beyond the village, swinging his hat and shouting, “The Gin’ral’s comin’!” Five minutes later the gorgeous coach that was presented Lafayette by the citizens of Philadelphia hove in sight drawn by four white prancing steeds, all resplendent in the dancing sunbeams of the early summer morning. When it rapidly bowled down the gentle declivity in full view of all the expectant townsmen a shout went up that Dunstan probably never heard before and from present indications will never hear again. The Dunstan people had erected a ‘noble arch’ (Dunstan was great on arches in those days, having erected one for Monroe seven years before and one for Jackson when he was expected), and the main street was thronged with spectators from miles around.

The General was entirely taken by surprise at the spontaneous demonstration and ordered a halt to hold a brief reception on the lawn in front of the residence of Dr. Alvin Bacon, where Judge Southgate, Dr. Bacon, Parson Tilton and other dignitaries of the town were presented to him. The General also called for a basin of water and a towel to bathe his face, as the morning was hot and the road somewhat dusty, and these together with a cake of soap were brought by a little daughter of Dr. Bacon’s, who always treasured the cake of soap while she lived, and it is still kept as an heirloom by the family.

The start was soon made and the General passed under the arch, upon which was inscribed, “Thrice Welcome to Lafayette.” The cheering was again renewed with added vigor, and Lafayette doffed his chapeau again and again. The visitors at Dunstan, many of whom were out for the day, filed in after the General’s coach and followed it to Portland, while many of the young men preceded the coach on horseback, all forming a procession nearly a half-mile in length that reached Portland shortly after nine o’clock.

Dr. Bacon’s house

Lafayette is reputed to have addressed the large group outside Dr. Bacon’s house under an impressive elm tree. While the tree is no longer standing, a piece of that tree – known as the Lafayette elm – is in the collections of the Scarborough Historical Society.

Dr. Bacon came from Charlestown, MA and settled in Scarborough around 1800, taking over the extensive practice of Dr. Southgate.[3] He was a favorite of all who knew him. When he rode out, he knew the names and personal history of the occupants of every house he passed.

He was present at almost every birth and tried to attend every burial. He sat many times with the minister beside a death bed. The doctor’s health eventually began to break down and he was obliged to gradually give up his practice. After a great deal of suffering in his last days, Dr. Bacon died in 1848 at the age of seventy-seven.[4]

[NOTE: This article is also available in PDF Format HERE.]


[1] John Francis Sprague, Sprague’s Journal of Maine History, p. 206

[2] Scarborough Historical Society, laminated scrapbook, 1884-1979, p. 68

[3] William S. Southgate, The History of Scarborough from 1633–1783, reprint, p. 207

[4] Dorothy Shaw Libbey, Scarborough Becomes a Town, p. 26

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A New Road – Saco Line to Pains Road – 1822

Persuant to a request of a number of inhabitance freeholders of the town of Scarborough to lay out a road from the town line betw said Scarb & Saco to go into Pains road at or near Enoch Libbys road so cald.  We the subscribers select men of said town have lain out the road as follows [?] Began at the town line between Scarb & Saco about forty rods south east of Nonesuch Millpond on land belonging to the heirs of Richard Burnham Deceased, and run N 65 E 120 rods to land of Samuel Rice Theme on the same coars 4 rods to Nonesuch road.  Thence on the same cours 24 rods across land of Ephraim Holmes to land of Joseph S. Jewett.  Thence 14 rods across one corner of said Jewetts land to an old town road.  Thence N 69 E 55 rods to one other piece of land belonging to said Ephraim Holmes partly on land of said Jewett, John Andrews & Robert McLaughlin & part by an old town road.  Thence N 63 E 111 rods across said Eph Holmes land to land of Daniel Holmes.  Thence N 58 E 96 rods to land formaly owned by Samuel Richards one half of the two last mentioned measurements is on old town road.  Thence on the same coars 410 rods to the great sand gully so cald to land formaly owned by Jonathan Richards.  Thence N 65 E 91 rods to Broadturn Road.  Thence on the same coars 76 rods to the head of the gulley in the plain between Broadturn road & the Western beach [?] of road.  Thence N 73 E 222 rods to the edg of Canada Swamp.  Thence N 412 E 26 rods to B&D Harmons land.  Thence 70 rods to Daniel Harmons land.  Thence 60 rods to Robt McLaughlins land.  Thence 36 rods to the eastern ridg road.  Thence on the same coars 1416 ½ rods across land of Daniel Harmon to land of Jacob Mills.  Thence 150 rods to land of Benj & Daniel Harmon.  Thence 124 rods to Enoch Libbys road where it enters the swamp.  Thence about S 73 E 214 rods to Pains road.  Said road is to be four rods wide in every part, the line to be the middle of the road, said road is staked out & trees marked the whole distance.

Laid out Decem 12th 1822                              Gideon Rich                }           Select
                                                                           Joseph Fogg                 }         men

                                                                        John Andrews                }           Surveyor

[Back of Page]

A return of a road from the town line to Pains road

[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 19 February  2021]
[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 52 – A return of a road from the town line to Paine Road – 12 Dec 1822.jpg”]


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Warrant for 1829 Election

To John M. Parker Constable of the Town of Scarborough


You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Scarborough qualified to vote in the town affairs to assemble at the meeting house in the 1st parish in sd town on Monday the ninth day of March next at ten o,Clock A.M. to vote on the following articles

1st To choose a Moderator to regulate said Meeting
2nd To choose a Clerk for sd town
3rd To Choose Selectmen [?] and Overseers of the poor
4th To Choose a Superintending School Committee agent
5th To Choose all town officers [?] treasurer Collection, Constable & Surveyors of highways [?] Fence Reviewers, Field Drivers, fish wardens if necessary.  Tythingmen & Sealers of other measures and [?] of other Weights and measures.  Se.
6th To raise such sums of money as they shall judge necessary for the support of schools, for the support of the poor and for other necessary contingent charges.
7th To see what sum of money the town will raise to make and repair the highway of said town pass any vote or votes relative to the same
8th To see what method the town will take to procure dwellings and dispose of the poor of said town.
9th To pass any vote or votes which the town may judge necessary for the directing, managing, and ordering, the presumptive officers of sd town as they shall judge most conducive to the peace, welfare and good order thereof.

Given under our hands this 20th of February AD 1829.

                                                                                    John M. Kenny            {           Selectmen
                                                                                                                            {                  of
                                                                                    Joseph Fogg                {           Scarborough

[Back Page]

Warrant Annual

[Warrant rotated]

Scarborough Feby 28th = 1829

Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of said town qualified as therein [?] to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.

                                                John M. Parker }   Constable

[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 3 February  2021]
[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 70 – Warrant Annual – 1829.jpg”]

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Bill satisfied – 29 Dec 1877 – for work at a Pine Point hotel

Encapsulated Collection 57 – Bill satisfied – 29 Dec 1877 – Main Page

Portland   Dec 29 1877

Mr. O. G. Robinson

                        To Migiel Levesque Jr


Octo 15 to 15 bushels [?]                                   5.25
              “                     Carting                            1.00

Dec 1st   “  Plastering 3078 yds 6c                   184.68
                        Patching                                       2.00

            By        Cash                65.50
            “          Board              30.76                 96.26
                                               _____              ______
                                                Due                   96.67

The foregoing is a true statement of the amount due me for labor and materials performed and furnished in building a two story french roofed frame building and containing thirty five or forty finished rooms designed for a summer hotel and situated on Pine Point so called in the town of Scarboro being the last building on said Pine Point towards the sea owned by one Foss or if not so owned then owned by some person whose name is unknown and the Christian name of the owner is unknown.  All just credit are given in said statement and I claim a lien on said building and the lot on which it stands for said labor and materials so performed was furnished in building said building.

Cumberland SS                                               Migiel Levesque

The personally appeared the above named Migiel Leesque and subscribed and made oath to the truth of the foregoing statement this twenty ninth day of December a.D. 1877

                                                                        Before me Ms. Frank   Justice of the Peace

[Back of Page]

Satisfaction Recd                                                 

[Fold break]

          Scarboro SS

Town Clerk Office

                                                                        Rec’d Dec 31st 1877 at 10-H-AM-and
                                                                        Recorded in vol-J-Page 294

Attest John A. Milliken – Town Clerk

[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 3 February  2021]
[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 57 – Bill satisfied – 29 Dec 1877”]


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Warrant to Jon Donnell Constable – 1835

Transcription of a 16 April 1835 warrant to inform individuals they had been elected to office. The warrant was completed 28 April 1835.

To John Donnell          Constable of the Town of Scarborough

The Persons names in the ensuing list were chosen into office at a meeting of the inhabitants of said town held on the second day of March in 1835 with [?] Waterhouse, George Ward, David Libby, James Larrabee, Jonathan Fogg, Simon Milliken, Sam Coolbroth, Surveyors Lumber.

Daniel Bragdon             John Jones                    Woodbury Libby                       Silas Libby

Seward Merrill              Jacob Libby                  
John Jofs                                   Stephen Waterhouse

Benjamin Milliken         James Larrabee             Thomas Fenderson                    Lok Libby

Collins Moulton            Gene Deering Jr.           Joseph Foss                              John M. Foss

James Small Jr               Timothy Libby               John Hearn                               Jonothan Fogg

[?] Milliken                   John Hunnewell Jr.        Nathl Boothby


William Plummer          Daniel Moulton             John Jofo                                  James Larrabee

William Jones Jr            [?] Harmon                   John D. Fabyant                        Luthern Libby

Moses Chase                Osgood Libby                Joshua M. Kenny                 John Hunnewell Jr

William Moses              Joseph Larrabee


Simon Milliken Sealer of Weights & measures

Moses Graffam   Town Keeper                           Reuben S. Moulton   Fish warden


You are hereby organized in the name of the State of Maine within this day from this night of this warrant to notify and summon each of the said Persons to appear before me within seven days from that time you shall give such notice to take the oath by law prescribed to the office unto which they are soundly chosen.

There of fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before the expiration of ten days from the time of your receiving the same.

Given under my hand this 16th day of Apr 1835

Abraham Millihemp    Town Clerk

[Back of Page]

Warrant to Jon O/II Donnell
Constable to notify
Town officers

Scarboro         Apr 28 1835

Pursuant to the within
I have notified the
Persons within named
Of there election
to there respective
offices & for there
time to appear &
take the oath

John Donnell/Constable



[Transcription by Carole Plowman, Scarborough Historical Society, 3 February  2021]
[Ref: “Encapsulated Collection 56 – Warrant to Jon Dommell Constable – 1835”]

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