By Don Taylor, Historian
The Scarborough Historical Society has many resources for genealogy researchers.
Resources include SHS Family Files, Digital Collection, Bill Tolman Memorial Database, Obituaries, Cemetery Records, Genealogies, Vital Records, and the Linwood Dyer Genealogy Collection.
My first recommendation for researchers is to review the material in our SHS Family Files.
The SHS Family Files Collection comprises 647[i] file folders (about 15 linear feet) with information on various surnames and several key individuals. Besides specific details, the file folders often include pointers to other records, such as Vital Records. Several file folders have been digitized and are available electronically through our Surname Files Webpage. Contact the Society via email ( for the availability of the files not included on the Surname Files Webpage {Library | People | Surname Files}.
(Use the searchbox below to narrow your view to specific surnames[ii].)
Family File Folders.
Surname Files
Surname File |
Ahlquist |
Alexander |
Alger |
Allard |
Allen |
Allison |
Andrews |
Angell |
Applebee |
Auger |
Ayer |
Babb |
Babkirk |
Bacon |
Baker |
Ball |
Banks |
Barber |
Barge |
Barker |
Barlett |
Barlow |
Barrett |
Barrows |
Basson |
Baston |
Batten |
Bayley Bailey Baly |
Beale |
Beard |
Bedford |
Beecher |
Bell |
Bennett |
Berry |
Bessey |
Bibber |
Bickford |
Bickton |
Blackman |
Blake |
Blanchette |
Bliss |
Bly |
Bogert |
Bonney |
Bonython |
Booth Boothby |
Boulter |
Bowden Boarden Bodin |
Bowes |
Bowley |
Bowne |
Brackett |
Bracy |
Bradford |
Bradley |
Bradshaw |
Bragdon |
Bragg |
Briar |
Brigham |
Brookings Brookins |
Brown |
Brownsey |
Bryant Briant |
Budelent |
Budway |
Burbank |
Burnell |
Burnham |
Burrage |
Burroughs |
Bushey |
Calef |
Calley |
Cammock |
Campbell |
Card |
Carll |
Carlson |
Carter |
Carter |
Cary |
Cecil |
Chadbourne |
Chadwick |
Chamberlain |
Chandler |
Chapman |
Chase |
Chick |
Chipman |
Chisholm |
Christensen |
Christie,Claudia |
Chute |
Clay |
Cleeve |
Clemmons |
Cleverly |
Cloyces-Clayse |
Colby |
Cole |
Collins-Cullins |
Cooke |
Coolbroth |
Cooper |
Corbeau |
Corliss |
Cott |
Coues |
Cousins |
Cox |
Craft |
Crague |
Craig |
Craig Links Newsletter |
Crockett |
Crowley |
Cumston |
Cunningham |
Daicey |
Daniels |
Davis |
Day |
Dean |
Dearing |
Decker |
Deering |
Delaware |
Dennett |
Dennis |
Derby |
Dickson |
Dixon |
Doe |
Dolley |
Dolloff |
Donahue |
Donnell |
Doody |
Doughty |
Douphinett |
Dow |
Downing |
Dresser |
Drisco |
Dudley |
Duley |
Dunstan-Dunton |
Durgin-Durgan |
Durrell |
Dyer |
Edgecomb |
Edmunds-Edwards |
Elkins |
Elliot |
Elwell |
Ewing |
Fabyan |
Fairfield |
Fancy |
Fenderson,Nathaniel |
Fengler |
Fernald |
Fickett |
Field |
Fielding |
Finney |
Flaherty |
Flint |
Fly-Flye |
Fogg |
Ford |
Foss |
Foster |
Foxwell-Foxell |
Foy-Foye |
Frederick-Fredericks |
Freeman |
Freethy |
Frezell |
Frost |
Fuller |
Furniss |
Gammon |
Gantnier |
Garland |
Geldart |
Gelinas |
Gendall |
Gervais |
Getchell |
Gibbs |
Gibson |
Giles |
Gilman |
Glanfield |
Glicke |
Gochie |
Goodrich-Goodridge |
Goodwin |
Googins |
Goold-Gould |
Gower |
Grace |
Graffam |
Grant |
Graves |
Greeley |
Green-Greene |
Greenleaf |
Griffin |
Gunnison |
Guptill |
Gustin |
Haigis |
Haines |
Hall |
Hallett |
Hamblen-Hamlin |
Hannaford |
Hanson-Hansen |
Harding |
Harford |
Harmon |
Harringdton |
Hart |
Haskell |
Hasty,John Reanimation Story |
Hawkes |
Hayes |
Hayward-Heyward |
Heald |
Heinz |
Hersey |
Higgins |
Hight |
Hill |
Hillock |
Hodgdon |
Holmes |
Holt |
Homer |
Honeywell Heritage Newsletter |
Hooper |
Howatt |
Howland |
Hoyt |
Hudson |
Huff |
Hughes |
Hunkins |
Hunnewell-Honeywell |
Hunnewell-Honeywell |
Hunt |
Hurd |
Ingalls |
Jackson |
Jayne |
Jellerson-Jellison |
Jenkins |
Jensen |
Jewell |
Jocelyn-Josselyn |
Johnson |
Jones |
Jordan |
Joss-Jose |
Kaler |
Kennedy |
kenniston |
Kilborn |
Kimball |
King (Rufus) Association |
King Genealogies |
King Richard |
King Richard 2nd |
King, (William) |
King, Rufus |
King, William |
Kinney |
Knight |
Knight |
Knox |
Krijanovsky |
Lacy |
Lamb |
Lambert |
Lancaster |
Lane |
Larrabee |
Lary |
Laughton |
Leary |
Leavitt |
Lebby,Nathaniel |
Leech |
Leighton |
Lello |
Leslie |
Lewis, A Ralph and Frances |
Libbee |
Libbey |
Libby , Charles Thornton |
Libby ,Eliakim 1-1-2-9 |
Libby Benjamin |
Libby Joshua J. 11-7-2-6-2-5-3-4 |
Libby Matthew |
Libby Nathan |
Libby Publications |
Libby, Lydia (Jordan) Seth 5-7-14 |
Libby, Allison |
Libby, Annie Louise |
Libby, Arnold |
Libby, Benjamin,deacon 1-6-2-4-10-7-4 |
Libby, Bertha Olive Bertha Libby |
Libby, Blanche |
Libby, Captain Stephen 5-7-8-3 |
Libby, Charles Oliver |
Libby, Charles, E |
Libby, Clark and Dorothy |
Libby, Daniel |
Libby, Dominicus |
Libby, Dorothy Shaw |
Libby, Edward |
Libby, Emma Agnes Merrill |
Libby, Eugene and Jennie 7-2-6-2-5-3 |
Libby, Forest Allen 1-6-9-8-1-1-4-1 |
Libby, Freedom 10-5-3-5-6-6 |
Libby, George |
Libby, Goodman |
Libby, Harrison |
Libby, Henry Augustus 5-7-8-1-4-6-1 |
Libby, Jethro |
Libby, Joab 1 1 3 8 |
Libby, John Deacon 1 6 9 12 |
Libby, John, immigrant |
Libby, Joseph |
Libby, Josiah1-1-6 |
Libby, Len |
Libby, Lewis |
Libby, Margaretta A 5-7-8-3-4 |
Libby, Moses 5-7-8-2 |
Libby, Name |
Libby, Nathaniel10-5-5 |
Libby, Nehemiah and Parmela 5-2-7-5 |
Libby, Peletiah 11-6-2-2- |
Libby, Samuel and Hannah 11-7-2-4-8-4 |
Libby, Samuel Ellsworth |
Libby, Samuel Manson 10-2-4-9-3 |
Libby, Seth and Lydia 5-7-14 |
Libby, Shirley |
Libby, stephen Augustus 5-7-8-3-9-3 |
Libby, Thaddeus Alonzo 10-2-4-3-5 |
Libby, Thomas J. |
Libby, William |
Libby, William Dyer 10-5-3-5-4-8 |
Libby, Winfield Scott 11-9-7-8-2-6 |
Libby,, Osgood 10 -5-1-10-6 |
Libby,A.D.T |
Libby,Anthony 1-1-2-7 |
Libby,Eben |
Libby,Elbridge |
Libby,Elijah 10-4-2-4 |
Libby,Elisha |
Libby,Enoch 10-2-4-8 |
Libby,Ephraim |
Libby,Francis |
Libby,James Small |
Libby,Kenneth 5-7-14-13-3-5-1-1 |
Libby,Lida. E |
Libby,Lucien |
Libby,Luke |
Libby,Luther |
Libby,Nathaniel |
Libby,Perley 10-5-3-5-6-2-? |
LIbby,Peter 11-6-2 |
Libby,Richard 5-7-14-13-3-5-1-2 |
Libby,Richard and Sarah |
Libbys, other Libbys, estate Oakhill |
Lilley |
LIncoln |
Lindholm |
LInk |
LItchfield |
Littlefield |
Littlejohn |
Lomac |
Longfellow |
Lord |
Lorfano |
Lothrop |
Lutz |
Lyons |
Mac Donald |
Maddiver |
Maden |
Maguire |
Malcolm |
Mallory |
March |
Marr |
Marsh |
Marshall |
Martin |
Mason |
Mayberry |
Mc Cobb |
Mc Daniel |
Mc Davitt |
Mc Kenney |
Mc Lellan |
McLaughlin |
Mc Laughlin |
McLaughlin/Sands |
McPhearson |
Means |
Merrill |
Merritt |
Merry |
Meserve |
Miller |
Milliken |
Mills |
Minott |
Mitchell |
Mitsmenn |
Moody |
Moore |
Morrill |
Morris |
Morse |
Moses |
Moulton |
Mulholland |
Munson |
Mussey |
Nason |
Nelson-Nelsen |
Newcomb |
Nicholson |
Nickles genealogy |
Nielson |
Nordica-Norton |
Norton |
Nutter |
Nye |
O’Brien |
O’Donal |
O’Roak |
Oakman |
Odel |
Oliver |
Osgood |
Paige |
Paine |
Palmer |
Parcher |
Parker |
Parkinson |
Parlin |
Paul |
Paulsen |
Payson |
Pearce |
Pearson |
Peary |
Pedersen |
Penney |
Perkins-Parkyns-Morlaix |
Perley |
Perry |
Perry-Pyne |
Petersen-Peterson |
Phillips |
Pierce-Pearce-Peirce |
Pike |
Pillsbury |
Pillsbury Black Point |
Pillsbury Pine Point |
Pine-Pyne |
Piper |
Place (surname) |
Plaisted |
Plowman |
Plummer |
Plummer-Clifford |
Pooler |
Pope |
Price |
Prince |
Prout |
Purington |
Quimby |
Rackliffe |
Rand |
Rawlins-Rollins |
Raynes |
Reed |
Reidy |
Reynolds |
Rice |
Richards |
Richardson/Richards |
Ricker |
Ridlon-Ridley |
Ring |
Rishworth |
Roberts |
Robinson |
Rogers |
Rollins |
Ross |
Rounds |
Rouse |
Roy |
Royal |
Rumery |
Ruotolo |
Russell |
Sanborn |
Sanders |
Sands |
Sapiro |
Sargent |
Savage |
Sawyer |
Scammon-Scamman |
Scarborough |
Schaff |
Scott |
Scottow |
Seavey |
Senter |
Sewall-Sewell |
Shaw |
Shelden-Sheldon |
Shenefield |
Sherman |
Shorey |
Shute |
Simpson |
Skillin-Skillen |
Skillings |
Skolfield |
Smale-Small |
Smilie |
Smith |
Snow |
Southard |
Southgate |
Spaark-Sparke |
Sparrow |
Spear |
Sprague |
Stam |
Stanford |
Stanford Genealogy |
Steele |
Sterling |
Stevens |
Stiles |
Stilphen |
Stone |
Storey-Storer |
Stout |
Stover |
Strange |
Strout |
Stuart |
Sturtevant |
Sullivan |
Summers |
Swasey |
Sweetser |
Swett |
Swinburne |
Sylvester |
Talbot |
Tarbox |
Temm |
Tervainen |
Thibeau |
Thomas |
Thompson |
Thomson-Thompson |
Thornton |
Thurlow |
Thurston |
Tibbets-Tebbets |
Tilton |
Titus |
Tolman |
Torrey |
Towle |
Travis |
Trickey |
Tucker |
Turner |
Tyler |
Tyng |
Urquhart |
Ustic |
Varney |
Verrill |
Vinson |
Waldo |
Walker |
Ward |
Warren |
Wasgatt |
Waterhouse |
Waterhouse -Stroudwater |
Waterhouse Joseph-Genealogy |
Waterhouse-Scarborough |
Waterman |
Watson |
Webber |
Welch |
Wentworth |
Wescott and variations |
West |
Westbrook |
Weston |
Wheeler |
Whipple |
Whitten |
Wiggin |
Wight |
Wilbur |
Wiley |
Willey |
Williams |
Willman |
Wilmot- Wilmott |
Winch |
Winnock-Whinick |
Winship |
Winslow |
Winter |
Witham |
Wood – Woodward |
Wright |
Xaphes |
Young |
Next time, I’ll briefly examine the Digital Collection, what is available, and how you can access that information.
- [i] The number of folders is subject to change. There were 647 Folders on 6 April 2024.
- [ii] Our thanks to Linda Broadwater & Betty McKown for their indexing these folders.