The Carter Farm & Water Wheel


The Pictures of the Week selections for 1.20.23 from the Scarborough Historical Society include one of the most unusual pictures in our collections. The picture is of a water wheel that was on the Rufus Carter farm located near the intersection of the Payne Road and Scottows Hill Road, the only picture of a water wheel I’ve ever seen recorded in Scarborough. Other images include those of the Carter farm home that burned in 1919 and some of the family members who lived there. Also included is a view of the intersection of Scottows Hill Road and Payne Road as it looked in 1909. We’d love to hear from anyone who has a broader knowledge of water wheels in early Scarborough.

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Encapsulated Collection 24 – Notices

Payment to inhabitants for part of Scarboro annex to Gorham
by Act of Legislature of 1864.

Handwritten 1870 Notice regarding payment for part of town annexed to Gorham in 1864

This may certify that the
Assessors of the town of Scarboro
Have apportioned to the inhabitants
Of that part of Scarboro set off
And annexed to the town of
Gorham by act of the legislature of
1864 the sums due them under
Acts of 1868 and 1870 and
Have committed the same
to Cyrus F. Moulton Treasurer
of Scarboro who will pay
said inhabitants said sums
the 26 day of Aug 1870
Scarboro Aug. 11 1870

Seth Scammon { Assessors
{ of
Grandville McKinney { Scarboro

(Transcription by Betty McKown, Scarborough Historical Society)

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The Pillsbury House

PICTURES OF THE WEEK – January 13, 2023

From the Scarborough Historical Society’s digital collections come these pictures of an early Pine Point tourist destination, the Pillsbury House, that opened its doors for lodging and shore dinners in 1875. Included is a picture of the Pillsbury House staff circa 1890, a 1946 advertising card, and pictures taken during the razing of the building in 1985.

Posted in Businesses, Picture of the Week, Pine Point | Tagged | 1 Comment

First Scarborough Town Council – 1970

January 6, 2023

As we enter the new year of 2023, the Scarborough Historical Society will be providing a “Picture of the Week” on various topics and periods in Scarborough’s rich history on the Facebook group page Scarborough, Maine History and on this website each Friday.

If some of you have pictures, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and documents that we all could share, please call the historical society (885-9997) so we can arrange a time for your images into the society’s digital collection to be scanned. You keep your pictures, but we have the images on our computer, to be saved for many years to come.  

The first Picture of the Week is a memory from 1970, a picture of the members of Scarborough’s first Town Council after the town moved from selectmen and the town meeting system.

Photo of the First Scarborough Town Council - 1970
First Scarborough Town Council – 1970
Ralph P. Lorfano, Oscar F. Teravainen, Raymond E. Wiley, H. Davison Osgood, Harry R. Knight, Marshall L. Goodwin, Norman L. Bushey
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Town Line – Saco & Scarborough – 9 Oct 1812

Saco October 9, 1812 on this page is a true copy of the dividing line between the town of Saco and Scarborough.

attest Daniel Stillwell ch committee.

To the clerk of the town of Scarborough—

Image of the document establishing the dividing line between Saco and Scarborough, Maine. Dated 9 October 1812.
Document establishing the boundry between Saco and Scarborough, Maine – 9 October 1812.

We the submember having been appointed committee by the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, agreeable to a resolve of said court passed this 25 day of February A 1812 settle and fix the boundary line between the towns of Scarborough and Saco having notified the Selectmen of each town to meet at the dwellinghouse of Capt. Joseph Bradbury in Saco and Tuesday the sixth day of October A 1812 after hearing the parties have proceeded as follows. Beginning at the place which we have determined was the mouth of Little River year of 1743 at a state near the seawall thence running a Northwest Corner to a part near the Upland marked S.S. from thence the same corner by trees marked as aforesaid to a stone set down the Northwesterly Side of the County Road about 5 feet in length and a large stone put buy it 3 rods and 11 links Easterly of Levi Merrills dwelling house from thence the same corner to an elm tree standing on Timothy Stuarts’s land about 10 feet south of T. Stuarts  well and thence the same course by trees marked S.S. to the head line of [?] town adjoining Buxton to a stone set down in the ground and two large stones by it the aforesaid line we have unanimously agreed to established as a dividing line between the towns of Saco and Scarborough

Saco Oct 9th 1812

Daniel Stowell }
James Morrill } – Committee
Joseph Prime }

Recorded Oct 12, 1812 by Robert Hasty Town Clerk true copy as of record Scarborough March 23, 1825 Abraham Norton Jr., Town Clerk

(Transcription by Betty McEwan, Scarborough Historical Society)

From: Encapsulated Collection #25.  Copy of the dividing line for the towns of Saco and Scarborough.

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