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M.F. Tilton letter to C. T. Libby, Esq. 11 Jul 1889 – 70.14.17.k

Click to access a 1970s typed transcription. Unformatted Transcription Text Below Bangor, July 11, 1889 C. T. Libby Esq. Dear Sir- I have unrolled a pal impest of more than eighty yrs. accumulation and given you of its contents a … Continue reading

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70.14.17r – Typed transcription of a letter from N & M Tilton to their children 15 Dec 1845

Surname File – Tilton The original handwritten letter is misfiled/mislocated.  This is an OCRed version of a 1970’s typed copy of the letter. Below is a plain text copy of the letter. 15 Dec. 1845 Dear children; We have been … Continue reading

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70.14.17s – Typed copy of letter (missing) from N & M Tilton to their children 19 Jul 1846.

Surname File – Tilton The original handwritten letter is misfiled/mislocated.  This is an OCRed version of a 1970’s typed copy of the letter. Below is a plain text copy of the letter. 19 July 1846 Dear Children, In anticipation of … Continue reading

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Updates: March 2022

Education  Grammar School – Added Beech Ridge School – Students     Oak Hill School       Oak Hill School – Second Grade – Sep 1941     asdfasdf asdfasdf   SHS Class of 1951 – UPDATED with Class … Continue reading

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M.F. Tilton letter to C. L. Libby Esq. 18 Jun 1889 – 70.14.17.I

Click to Access PDF Varsion. Unformatted Transcription Text Below June 18th 1889 92 Cedar St. Bangor Dear Sir; Yours of the 11th inst was duly rec’d – I was pleased to know more definately your plan for that “contemplated History” … Continue reading

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