We are pleased to announce that the Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce has awarded the Scarborough Historical Society a $2,500 grant, which will be used toward the continuing restoration of the Beech Ridge Schoolhouse at 184 Holmes Road, Scarborough. A presentation ceremony was held on July 3rd at Memorial Park in recognition of the Chamber’s sponsorship of 25 seasons of Concerts in the Park. Scarborough Historical Society is one of ten local organizations honored by the Chamber for helping to make Scarborough a better place to live.
Beech Ridge Schoolhouse is the last 19th-century schoolhouse in Scarborough not razed or repurposed. Once restoration is complete, our intent is to use the schoolhouse for educational programs for children and also have the building available for use by small community groups
The school renovation budget originally set in 2020 is still the goal. To date $186, 500 has been raised. The Scar- borough Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organiza- tion, making donations tax deductible. Please consider sending a donation to the Scarborough Historical Society, PO Box 156, Scarborough, ME 04070, or donating at www.gofundme.com/SHS-Restore-Beech-Ridge-School. Many thanks to those who support this important local historical project. For more information, contact us at 207-885-9997, scarboroughhist@gmail.com, or visit the Museum at 647 US Route 1. The Museum is open 9:AM to noon every Tuesday and the second Saturday of the month.
Added: Clayton, W. W., History of Cumberland Co., Maine – With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers – 1880 – Internet Archive.
Farming in Maine at the Time of Statehood Presented by Neil Piper. Farming methods at the time Maine achieved statehood differed vastly from how agriculture is practiced today. This program will look at how farmers eked a living from the soil in Maine in the early 19th century and the role they played in Maine becoming a state. It will show how a Department of Agriculture was developed to support the growing agricultural industry.