Beech Ridge School – Project Status UPDATE
The Scarborough Historical Society and Museum is committed to preserving Scarborough’s history and artifacts and passing along Scarborough’s unique role in history to all who cross our paths and pass through our doors. Our recent acquisition of the Beech Ridge School/Community Club is consistent with our intent to preserve the educational component of Scarborough’s history, as well as the role the rural section of town played in Scarborough’s development.
Beech Ridge School, located at 184 Holmes Road, is the last one-room school building in Scarborough. All others have been torn down or repurposed. Beech Ridge was a District school serving children ages 4-21, during the period just prior to 1870 until the mid-1940s. Perhaps some of your family attended Beech Ridge School or another one-room schoolhouse.
The plan is to restore the building for multi-functional use, available to the community and for children to experience what education was like in a one-room school. To this end, the school building needs major restoration, which the historical society plans to get underway before the end of 2019. To do this we need your help. An initial estimate for the first phase of the project is in excess of $100,000. A new foundation, roof, and windows are needed to make the building structurally sound. Once the building is secure, we will address the second phase of the project, the interior: insulation, ceiling, walls, electricity, plumbing, and accessibility.
Please help us save the school and donate to restore the Beech Ridge School. Watch this space for updates and follow us on our Facebook page to find out how you can donate so together we can achieve the goal of restoring the Beech Ridge School. Scarborough Historical Society is a nonprofit 501(c)3, which makes your donation tax-deductible.
See the latest project update here.
Scarborough at 350 Reprint Project.
Scarborough at 350 Linking Past to the Present reprint is now available.