Dunstan School – 3rd Grade – 1938

Spring 1938 – Dunstan School – 3rd Grade

Back Row: Malcolm Dodge, Gilmore Rounds, Charlie Burnham, Melvin Williams, Mike Woods, Doug Goodrich, Jim Leary, George Merrill, Dana Morris
Middle Row: Mary Ferrelli, June Skillings, Audrey David, Norma Eaton, Mattie Brooks, Mary Stover
Front Row: Brya Morris, Dottie Grant, Alice Ferrelli, Adelaide Higgins, Ethel Brooks, Roberta Carter, Patty Seavey, Gladys David

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SHS Students – 1929

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Boundry – Scarborough & Saco – 1840

Strip Application

Strip Application

To the selectmen of the Town of Scarborough.

We the undersigners, freeholders, and inhabitants of said town, respectfully request that you would call a meeting of said inhabitants of the Town aforesaid for the purpose of taking such measures as said town may see fit in relation to defending the rights of the said town against a certain partition which is to be presented to the legislature now in session, in the State of Main for the purpose of setting off what is called the strip in said Scarborough and annex it, together with its inhabitants to the town of Saco.

Scarborough Jan’y 2, 1840.

Matthias MeserveJosiah Mitchell
Ebenezer LibbyRichard Mitchell
Johnsen LibbyDavid Chute
Eliahem{?] LibbySamuel Libby
Samuel FabyanNehemiah Libbey
Daniel HolmesEzra Carter
Frienut[?] HolmesSamuel Shute
Image of 2 January 1840 petition to the Town of Scarborough regarding the annexing of property to Saco.
Request for meeting
Regarding Scarborough-Saco Line

[Transcription by Betty McKown, Scarborough Historical Society (Encapsulated Collection #25A – Strip Application in regards to Scarborough-Saco.]

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SHS Students – 1925

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The social safety net that existed in earlier times in Scarborough was organized much differently than what we recognize today. Before Social Security and other ways of providing relief for people in need, a system was in place to reach out to poor people, at that time referred to as paupers.

In the 19th century, the primary arm of support for paupers was a town farm located on the Broadturn Road. The town financed the farm by purchasing food and supplies for its residents and paying workers to maintain the farm. But occasionally, an ill person needed additional care.

Such a case involved Betsy Moody. The various bits of ephemera in the historical society’s collections doesn’t explain why Betsy was considered a pauper, but the 1850 census lists her as a 66-year-old widow. Over a decade later, a receipt dated February 11, 1867 shows that Major Plummer was paid $92 for supporting Betsy Moody from March in 1866 until her death on January 14, 1867, including sickness and funeral expense.

Image of a receupt supporting Betsy Moody dated 11 February 1867

Others pitched in following Betsy Moody’s passing. Town Treasurer Ebenezer Libby paid J.P. Johnson $4.40 for providing grave clothes for Betsy Moody, and B. Libby was reimbursed for supplying her coffin. In the final step, on February 23, 1867 Enos Libby signed a receipt to acknowledge payment by the town for digging the grave for Betsy Moody, town pauper.

Image of a E Libby receipt from 1867.
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