Surname File – Tilton
The original handwritten letter is misfiled/mislocated. This is an OCRed version of a 1970’s typed copy of the letter. Below is a plain text copy of the letter.
15 Dec. 1845
Dear children;
We have been well drenched with rain in this section
which was succeeded after a few days of mild weather with
snow and very cold winds, sleighing for about 10 days has
been excellent. But yesterday after a light fall of snow,
Mr. Tomson came again, and as he continues his visitation
today also, and as I have not been to Portland to look up
mg umbrella, I am compelled to stay within doors, a favor-
able moment, therefore, to advise you of our continued
health and comfort. Mother has not since she returned from
Bangor, exposed herself abroad, or made a somerset at home.
Mary can do such things with a better grace, as she is
comparatively young and spry, but perhaps not with much less
personal injury. We presume, how ever she felt no ambition
to experiment alone, with no one to witness her feat and
therefore it must go into the chapter of accidents. We are
for the event and sympathise and “weep with those who
“weep. The earth bears no tree more beautiful than the
weeping willow. But ye deep flowing current yt is constantly
undermining its foundation emphatically reminds us of its
destiny – as well as our duty to prepare to transplant it in
a happier clime.
Your Uncle of Ex. passed a night with us, having been to
Portland. I carried to Saco next day, that he might reach
home for N. Hamp. Thanksgiving ye day following. He and Mrs.
Stevens were at Delaware in June did not call on Mr. Furniss
while in N. York as he understood they were at Bloom. We recd.
a letter last week from Mr. F. inclosing the same. This we
almost feared to expect or hope for, after your statement of
his attributing Mrs. Furniss ill health to her jaunt to
Bangor and your influence. It is not uncommon for strong
attachments to result in antipathies. I therefore have always
considered it a good Maxim not to love overmuch. I think no
pecuniary favor, especially those justly earned, an adequate
compensation for loss of personal independence, Besides, there
are some minds that can never flow equally and uniformaly in
a liberal channel. He speke of his family as all well, except
Mrs. F. whose health also he hoped would be improved by the
cooler weather. Winter has set in with them seriously. We
wrote a lengty return in the best style we could, but with
no allusion to yourselves except that you were as usual. I
left yt field perfectly open and clear for you to exonerate
yourselves from unjust imputations, which I believe you are
able to do with good spirit and good conscience and which
I should feel ready and willing to back, if done with modera-
tion and prudence.
We just dropped a slight joke about Mrs. Fur. limiting her
excursions Last to Boston and Quincy, that your mother with
Merry Pegge might visit her at Blooming, next season, such
a feat would bo no greater, in ye new mode of traveling, than
yt. of your grandmother who rode with me in chaise from Portland
to Scar, at 80 years. What think you of it. Mother says “Age is
“nothing”. I never anticipated such an excursion for her, but
shall not wonder if it is effected.
You are all rejuvenating – transplanting sending off ye
young shoot to indoctrinate him in melody and harmony – listen-
ing to moral reports of father away up, down east, opening and
displaying elegant brick houses ( where I was gratified to learn
my own remembrance by Gov. Kent if it was not at a great dearth
of subjects) all these and a long catalogue of other things
mentioned in your very brief episle are doing and acting in
yout midst. Surely then we ought not to be idle – nor have
we been – ye shed, as you suppose, is a great convenience, it
reaches from house to barn and needs only a door to enter ye
barn without going outdoors. Our pigs came up one to 214 the
other to 221 lbs. Henry’s weighed 317 lbs. Cow over 300. We
had a quarter, to be returned next year.
Turkies are on hand quite ready for market. School closed
last Saturday. Cousin John came out with flying colours and
many tickets of merit. He has done himself great honor. I hope
my two eldest grandsons will continue to shine in all they
undertake. The next and last two I know but little of.
We hear nothing from Pittsfield. Flabby is better than in my
last.We expected Nabby a guest thanksgiving day, but ye weather
was too severe, and we imparted of our dinner to her. Was your
table filled as expected? Not much visiting frliends in Me. nor
N.Hamp, such stormy thanksg. It storms too bad to go 1 :and one
half mile to ye office of course this must lie over one mail as
also ye N.York letter. M. has not advised me of Dr. Gallup’s
bill nor do we know with whom Mrs. Frost left umbrella. If
W. Haines has not found it when I go in, I shall call at W.
Moulton’s and if not with either I shall give it over. Our kind
regards to enquiring friends, and love to yourselves, one and all.
Your affectionate parents
N. and M. Tilton
P.S. Tuesday.
Mother wishes to know if tulips must be transplanted in ye
spring and I now recollect your omission of ye subject of
pairs scions. I hope your disappointment of ye farmer will
not imbue your minds with any illegitimate inferences, like some frie
friends farther off. It was out of my power to effect ye object.
We did not know Ruth had emigrated east till you mentioned it.
I suspect Dr. Gallupe too sanguine in expecting an entire cure
of my complaint. Exposure to cold which I can in no wise avoid
will produce a recurrence. Having used ye two first lists of
powders I took one of Dulcamara – nearly a week since. After
two successive nights of Bry. I took Dul. 3 nights and have
been quite well since unto this present. Mother is quite off
from powders not considering perhaps yt her complaints can
only be alleviated not cured.