Search Results for: Ring

Men of Scarborough – 89-9305

Henry Jocelyn, gentleman-this name in our records for a half-century typifies shat English character in its best light. Most of the records of the Province of New Somersetshire are in his hand. Derived of ancient lineage, the fifth surviving son … Continue reading

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Alice Jocelyn’s Thimble

In 1653 Alice Jocelyn sailed from Richman’s Island in the Fellowship, bound for Boston, as ’twas forecast to fetch her marriage gear.’ On her second day of shopping who should she come face to face with, but her good old … Continue reading

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Updates July 2022

Books Available Online I added a link to Sylvester, Herbert Milton, The Sokoki Trail (1907) – “The Romance of Black Point” Businesses I added the 1970 Scarborough Business Directory – by Scarborough Jaycees Education Grammer Schools I digitized, OCRed, and … Continue reading

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89.9.1979 – Letter from N. & M. Tilton to their children – 19 July 1846

Besides Tilton, the following surnames are mentioned: Burnham, Storer, Hatch, Finney, Perkam, Strickland, Smith, Wiggin, & Chase.  There is an interesting story about Sidney Burnham, with an ax, being arrested. This OCR text version has not been reviewed or edited … Continue reading

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70.14.17r – Typed transcription of a letter from N & M Tilton to their children 15 Dec 1845

Surname File – Tilton The original handwritten letter is misfiled/mislocated.  This is an OCRed version of a 1970’s typed copy of the letter. Below is a plain text copy of the letter. 15 Dec. 1845 Dear children; We have been … Continue reading

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