Category Archives: Education

Bessey School – Grade 6 – [1965]

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Page/Post Updates – December 2023

I made the following changes/additions to the website during December 2023. Links Page: Scarborough Focused Links Businesses Rebecca Hillman Pottery (a 2023-2024 Cammock member) Library | Education Class of 1948 1947-48 SHS Track Team Library | Education | Grammar Schools Dunstan Class of … Continue reading

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Page/Post Updates – November 2023

I made the following changes/additions to the website during November 2023. Education Grammar Schools Dunstan School Added photo – Student Photos – (Dunstan) Class of 1939. Class of 1951Added Photo – Dunstan Grammar School Students – Grade 3 – Back … Continue reading

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Page Updates – August 2023

Education Grammar Schools Dunstan Class of 1951 – Added two photos:Photo – Dunstan Grammar School Students – Grade 7 Photo – Dunstan Grammar School Students – Grade 5 Places Locales Plummer’s Hill Dedication – Boston 120 Milestone, Kings Highway – … Continue reading

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SHS Students – 1923

Only the Girls’ Basketball Team 1922-23 so far.

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Updates October 2022

In October 2022, the following items were added to the website: Organizations 12th Maine Regiment (Civil War) Twenty-seventh Reunion of the 12th  Maine Regiment – Dunstan, 10 September 1908. I added a photo of the West Scarborough Methodist Church (circa 1928). … Continue reading

Posted in Buildings, Businesses, Churches, Dunstan, Education, Oak Hill, Organizations, Prout's Neck, Veteran | Comments Off on Updates October 2022

Updates July 2022

Books Available Online I added a link to Sylvester, Herbert Milton, The Sokoki Trail (1907) – “The Romance of Black Point” Businesses I added the 1970 Scarborough Business Directory – by Scarborough Jaycees Education Grammer Schools I digitized, OCRed, and … Continue reading

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January 2022 – Website Updates

Education High Schools  The following yearbooks were uploaded to Digital Maine: Four Corners (Scarborough High School Yearbook) – 1949 to Digital Maine. Four Corners (Scarborough High School Yearbook) – 1959 to Digital Maine. Four Corners (Scarborough High School Yearbook) – … Continue reading

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December 2021 – Website Updates

Education Grammar School Page I added a 1939 example of a Grammar School Certificate (Mary E Wright – 16 June 1939). High Schools  I added: Class of 1905 – Graduation Exercises, Class of 1905, June 23rd at 8.00 P. M. … Continue reading

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By Linda Snow McLoon Before there were big yellow school busses, school children in Scarborough for the most part walked to school. To keep the distances from their homes doable, back in the 1800s Scarborough had over a dozen one-room … Continue reading

Posted in Beech Ridge School, Education, Newspaper Clippings, North Scarborough, Projects, Students and Teachers | Tagged , , | Comments Off on SAVING SCARBOROUGH’S LAST DISTRICT SCHOOL