Warrant 1840
Febry 24
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To James Larrabee one of the constables of the town of Scarborough you are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to summon and notify the inhabitants of said town (qualified by the constitution to vote in town affairs) to assemble at the meeting house in the first parish in said town on Monday the twenty fourth day of Feb inst at two o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz.

- To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.
- To see what method the Town will take to defend the towns right against the petition of Willis McKenney and others praying that the patent strip so called in Scarborough might be set off from said Scarborough and annexed to the town of Saco.
Given under our hands this thirteenth day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred ad forty.
Stephen Waterhouse }
Solomon Stuart } Selectmen of
Solomon Bragdon } Scarborough
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Cumberland February 17, 1840, Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the within named inhabitants, to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within specified as therein directed.
James Larrabee, Constable.
[Transcription by Betty McKown, Scarborough Historical Society: Encapsulated Collection #26 – Warrant regarding 1840 vote on strip being annexed to Saco.]
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