Bible of Thomas and Margaret Dearing
(dated 1847)
Transcribed by: Eloise LeFevre Graham Brooks
October 24, 2005
[Webmaster Note: This Bible mentions “Henry C. Leary of Scrobro, Maine” (Scarboro) and individuals from Saco, Portland, and Old Orchard. Parts of this transcription were reformatted for this media (page returns, etc., however, the original transcription were left as is. The complete original translation is available as a PDF at the end of this posting.]

Inside page (Not Transcribed

Title Page
Family Record
Thomas Dearing Jr., Saco, Me. &
Margaret C. Aumock, Millstone, N.J.
Married, March 9th, 1844
By C. F. Worrell
William C. Aumock of New Jersey
to Anna L. Hains of Maine
Married in Saco June 18, 1848
By Rev N.M. Williams
Leander G Brunel &
Louisa N Dearing
Married June 19, 1878
By Rev T D Anderson
All of Portland Maine
Henry C. Leary of Scrobro Maine &
Rosse Emma Dearing of Portland Maine
Married June 15, 1892
By Rev W Ayers
Family Record
Births (Page 1 of 2)
Family Record
Births (Page 2 of 2)
Thomas Dearing, Jr., was son of Thomas and Nancy Dearing of Old Orchard, Me. (See under Deaths – Bible of John and Nancy Aumock R. Brunel 9/30/29
Margaret C. Aumock
Born Sept. 27th, 1823
Family Record
Charles T. Dearing,
Died December 17th, 1846
Aged 17 months & 17 days.
Thomas Dearing Jr
Died September 9th, 1891
Aged 71 years, eleven months & 1 day
Rossie Emma Dearing Leary
Daughter of Thomas & Margaret Dearing
Wife of Henry Leary Moths
Aged 33:8.9 day
Dec. 8, 1894
Margaret (Aumock) Dearing
Aug, 1903
Charles Tunis Dearing
Born June 30, 1815
Died December 17, 1846
Marriage Certificate
This is to CERTIFY all whom it may Concern,
That Mr. Thomas Dearing Jr of Saco Maine and Miss Margaret C. Aumock of New Jersey appeared before me, And no lawful hindrance appearing were solemnly united in Holy Wedlock, This Ninth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four and pronounced
Man and Wife by ME.
C. F. Worrell
Transcriber’s note: on the left edge of the Marriage Certificate is printed (perpendicular to the above text):
Marriage Certificate
Printed in the Monmouth Enquirer Office, Freehold.
Freehold is in Monmouth County, N.J.
The Spring Street Baptist Church (Dearing Bible, 1847)
The Spring Street Baptist Church
Origines 1860 Rev Mr Butler, Pastor

The Spring Street Baptist Church 1860 (Page 1 of 2)
Rev Mr Buller & Wife
Decon Bangs & Wife
Decon Smuith & Wife
Cleark Mr Kimbe & wife
Mr F Jorden & wife
Mr We Jorden & wife
Mrs Margaret Jorden
Miss Margret Jorden
Miss Ellen Jorden
Mr. Hiram Farbanks & wife
Mr Elbdrige Coffen & wife
Miss Norton
Miss Abbe Coffen
Charles Coffen
Miss Suse Coffen
Mr Gould & wife
Miss Ameail Gould
MrAbrem Libbe & wife
Mr Hicks & wife
MrSotory & wife
MrHogkins & wife
Mr Thomas Dearing & wife
MrFrnk Bartlet & wife
Mr Record & wife
Mr Deater & wife
(end of page 1 of 2)
Spring Church continues
Mrs Chamberlin
Mrs McKenney
Miss Ruth McKenney
Mrs Stockpole
Mrs Dingley
Mr Donald Wiggan & wife
Mr Harlan Wiggan & wife
Miss Emma Libbe
Miss Rossie Phillpes
Miss Emma Kimble
Mr Ablion Jorden & wife
Mrs Burel
Mrs Sterson
Miss Estel Chase
Mr Phelep Bridges
Miss Nancy Bridges
Miss Sarah Bridges
Mrs Howard
Mr Hines & wife
Mrs Wiggon
(end of page 2 of 2)
Letter from Margaret C. Dearing, dated
Portland, May 11, 1890 (3 pages) (Dearing Bible, 1847)
O. What a happy return of the the Sabbath to look back over the past 49 years of my life for in tho[-] se year have been meny changes in my life but in them all I have never regreted the setep I then took for I put on christ by being baptized
New York
May the 9 1841 in Macdugale St church by
the Rev Mr Duncan Dunbar O happy
I was and christ has been ever dear to me ever cince in 1844 I came to Main to live in 1845 I lost a Dear Brother in 1846 I lost my Dear Boy the pet of Father and my self, I felt that my Heavly Father know wat was best for me my Pastor thought I had best send for my letter I joined the church in saco then we left & whent to Camden Maine and fro[-] m to Damariscotta and from thar to Auburn Maine my heart was made glade or to re rejoice for my Husband received Christ as his
(end of page 1 of 3)
first Sunday in April.
Savour 1858 he was Baptized, By Rev Mr Knox we joined the Lewistown Church and when the Auburn Church was formed we came of with the rest about 60 in number in April 1860 and we lived thare till May 1872 the we came to Portland and we joined the first Bastist
Church and I have allways felt that I had a friend that stick closer than a Brother in all my Sorrows wich has been meny for I have losst dear freands Father Mother Brothers & Sisters I feal thay have gan home and I hope to see them when my Debt is payed but how long my Debt may run I can tell but I hope to be ready to pay it when it come du
Margaret C Dearing
(end of page 2 of 3)
this is for Thomas A. Brunel
in the summer if 1869 Louisa N Dearing was Baptized in the spring of 1888 Rossie Emma Dearing was Baptize by Rev Dr Small Pastor of the firs Baptist Church Portland Louisa was Baptized by the Rev Dr G P Mathews of Auburn
Thomas Dearing
My Dear Husband died 9th of Sept 1891 another one of my Dear ones has gon befor me to the happy land whare I hope to go as soon as my work is don hear on eart MCD
(end of page 3 of 3)
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