12th Maine Regiment (Civil War)

A transcript of the first page of a 1908 flyer for the Twelfth Maine Regimental Association. It mentions how to get to Dunstan via the electrics. There is also a link to a digital copy of the document that includes the menu for the reunion’s dinner.

Twelfth Maine


12th Maine Regimental Assn, 27th Reunion (1908)


The Twenty-seventh Annual Reunion of the 12th  Maine will be held at Dunstan, Scarboro, on Thursday, September 10th, 1908.

The business meeting and election of officers will be held at 10.30 A. M.

A regular dinner will be served at the Moulton House, at one o’clock.

The usual reduction of fares will be made on all railroad and steamboat lines. Tickets good from the 10th to the 12th, inclusive. Comrades coming from the East will take the Saco electrics for Dunstan at the head of Preble Street, Portland. Those from the West take electrics at Saco or Biddeford. Cars leave every half hour,

MARCUS M. SMART, President.

GEORGE E. ANDREWS, Secretary and Treasurer,
784 Congress Street, Portland.

M. I. MILLIKEN, Scarboro
N. W. KENDALL, Biddeford
Executive Committee

Click the image above or HERE for the original image.

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