Jocelyn Brochure – ca. 1908


THE beauties of the Maine coast ate so well known that they hardly need be mentioned. Who, that has ever spent a summer along those delightful shores, does not recall beautiful scenes to mind, at the mere mention of Maine?
| The whole coast abounds in beautiful sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, upon which the billows dash and break into white clouds of foam, tiny islands capped with a spicy green covering of fir and hemlock, sheltered coves and bays, and broad stretches of sparkling blue water, which delight the heart of the yachtsman.
Prout’s Neck offers a delightful combination of these attractions that go to make an ideal resort for the weary of body and mind, who seek rest and recreation. It is a
rocky point which reaches far out into the of wave-worn cliffs. A good share of it is covered with wroods, through which run beautiful shady paths. On one side a beautiful beach of pure warm sand stretches away to Scarboro and Cape Elizabeth; on the other side the dancing waters of the bay separate it from Old Orchard Beach. In the dim distance the lofty peak of Mount Washington may be seen towering over all the peaceful scene. Everywhere is beauty that delights the eye and rests the mind.
In the midst of such beauties of nature is The
Jocelyn House, a well kept, modern hotel that
needs no recommendation to former patrons. In
front of it, not a stone’s throw distant, is the bath­
ing beach, than which there is not a finer on the
Maine coast. The water is warm, and the bathing
absolutely safe, while at low tide the firm sand
makes a beautiful playground for the children.
Behind the hotel are the smooth waters of the bay ; so that every room in the house affords a view of the water. Built on a generous plan, with large rooms and wide halls, broad piazzas, spacious office and parlors, the popularity of the house increases every year. Its table is furnished with the choicest meats and fresh vegetables. The drinking water comes from a spring out of the solid rock, and careful analysis shows it to be free from all impurities. The sanitary equipment is modern and the drainage perfect. The house has its own electric light plant, which also furnishes ppwer to
run an elevator, which saves the tired and invalids many a weary climb to their rooms. In brief, T h e Jocelyn is in every way a thoroughly modern house fitted to make life comfortable during the hot summer months.
Telegraph and long distance telephone, livery stables, post office—three mails daily—laundry, barber shop and modern bath-rooms are connected with the hotel. The office, music room and other public rooms all have open fireplaces.
On the ground floor is a large dance hall, with stage for theatricals, which also serves as a play-room for the children on rainy days’ Tennis court and croquet grounds are close to the hotel. Country Club House and golf links within five minutes’ walk of house. .The orchestra furnishes music for dancing, and also dur­ ing the dinner hour.
During the coming season it will be our aim to give prompt and courteous service to all, and to do all that is in our power for the comfort of each guest.
Prout’s Neck is situated ten miles from Portland, on the Boston & Maine (W est­ ern Division). Buy tickets and have baggage checked for Scarboro Beach. Our own carriages will meet you at the station if notice is given when to expect arrivals. Comfortable steamers run to Portland, both from New York and Boston, and the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk Railroads run through coaches from Montreal to Scarboro Beach. Commencing June 12th there will be sleeping car train between New York and Portland, running through without change via New Haven, Putnam, and Worcester, leaving New Yprk at 8 P. M,, excepting Sundays, arriving in Port­ land 6.30 A. M., connecting with train for Scarboro Beach.
For further particulars apply to ^
Rates, $3.00 to $5.00 per day ‘ ‘T hb Jocelyn’’
Long distance telephone and automobile.; ” ‘w w .’ PROUT’S NECK, MAINE

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