Graduation Exercise Programs – 1913, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1950, 1965


The first high school taught in town was held about twenty-three years ago and met in the district school-houses, three months at Dunstan, three months at Beech Ridge, and three months at Oak Hill. Waster Lord, of Limington, was employed instructor. The high school was for a while located at Dunstan, and kept in the Good Templar’s Hall. This school will occupy rooms in the new building now under construction at Oak Hill. The school is making marked progress and offers to the young men and women of the town educational advantages which may fit them for many of life’s duties in this practical’ age.
Taken ^rom: ‘The Town Register oS SCARBOROUGH I905 (73.1?.10)
(The ‘new building now under construction’ would be ?f!!’o©” at Oak Hi”1!.)
the ‘.-/hite
j£nigl]ta of ^gtljina Jiall J&cnrlioro Jitgli ^efjonl (Homiiiciucnmil ifjrcigrnm
Prayer……………………Rev. H. 13. Knowles
Salutatory …………………..”Opportunities”
Emma Fi-orence Wentworth
History……………….Hazel Lillian Johnson
Vocal Solo. Miss Gladys Stinson
Oration……………….. Water Power of Maine
Dwight Limey Lirrey
Prophecy and Gifts……Marion Wilcomb Sargent
Yalediciory……..Not at the Top but Climbing
Elva Gilman
Presentation of Diplomas
Supt. F. H. 13. Heald
ClnoB itfntto:
Not at the top but climbing
(Elaon Colors:
Garnet and White.
Class Jflmurr:
Red Rose.
Class Hail: G u m an
Emma Florence Wkntwortii Hazel Lillian Jonxao.N
Dwight Linley Lmbby
Marion Wilcomb Sarof.nt
Principal, Clarence H. Brown. Assistant, Ella K. Litchfield. Superintendent, F. II. B. Heald.
?7- 2a. 3
Sfenio’X ^(ofa&s
■ ^/car/w’roicfjf /b 2/fay,/i f/cAooi
Utc/cOJMCS’MOU. /o Mitec ft
(oomnicncemew t Sxerciiei
& renisuj., ^’^eent/i ft,/. Seven – //* t rly, a c/.cck
■ Mvifs/./ih
Wilfred Howard Berry Ruth Annie Bowunr
Carl Howard Carter
Dorothy Jane Googins
Millard Leslie Gower
Paul Webster Higgins
Vida Isabelle Higgins
Mildred Jones Hudson
Orrington Fuller Merry
Mildred Sylvester Richardson Adelaide May Temm
Gladys Victoria Willman
(CInna ffiottn:
Tonight We Launch, Where Shall We Anchor?
QZlnaa dolors:
Pink and Dark Green.
Gllaoo iFlmurr:
Pink Rose.
Superintendent, Mr. F. H. B. Heald. Principal, Mr. Veo F. Small. Assistants: Miss Ella K. Litchfield, Miss Hazel M. MacGregor.
Ctln30 ttf
inctrxn IfHmitrek miti Diitjljtxxn
xi£ Hj*
§>’f arU.nxi3.mjlj “Hjjgli ^Vipni
^rlrunu* non >n it«
Commmrm«ii Tzxextieta
“IZtiomig, 3mtr nt *’t^ti> u’ridrk
“Umjrjiiis o£ ; ShiU
Overture … .Jordan’s Orchestra
Prayer ..Rev. Renscl H. Colby
The Rise of Democracy
Class History Clara L. Seavcy
Selection … .Jordan’s Orchestra
Women’s Work in the War..
Chorus………………Scarborough High School
Class Prophecy
Patriotism and the War Ruth A. Lincoln
Presentation of Diplomas… ..Supt. F. H. B. Heald
Closing March … .Jordan’s Orchestra
Clara fHatto:
Our aim success, our hope to win.
Class Colors:
Red, Whito and Blue.
Class JKLomcr: Red Rose.
Class Soil:
Otho Prescott Baker
Ruth Alberta Lincoln
Clara Lizzett Seavey Doris Evelyn Fogg
Elmer Linwood Merrill
* Adelaide May Temm
•Postgraduate Course
Superintendent, Mr. F. H. B. Heald. Principal, Mr. Elwood G. Bessey. Assistants: Miss Ella K- Litchfield, Miss Hazel MacGregor.
fZ-‘Za. -jv

/ T /
Sea’ll’o’iciicjfi J/Itujit pcfioof
(Commencement ©xeUiieJ
JP’udatj evtnmtj. |uuc yTiucntictli.
jtl ijoii’t ji’if.inicc at the
at ciufUo’cfocIc
JL of JP. fUl
CCIudd fHnttn :
Onward to Victory
<£lnas (fTolurn: Red, White and Blue (Etaon JKlmurr: Cream Rose and Red Pink (Hasu Rail: Rudolph Cassens Douglas Mblville Hunnewell Johnson Elden Leroy Merrill Elmer Lester Gilmore Rounds Herman Cecil Rounds Alma Frances Seavey Charles Edgar Seavey Ehvood G. Bessey, Principal Frances V. Bryant, Assistant Mildred E. Leighton, Assistant Frank H. B. Heald, Superintendent ^Annual dommcRCcmcnt Scarborough "3flgb School 'June 20, 1919 Music________-_____________________________________ Orchestra Prayer_____________________________________Rev. Rensel H. Colby Music________________________________________________ Orchestra The Reconstruction of Wounded Americans.„Charles Edgar Seavey Class Prophecy_____________________________Elden Leroy Merrill ♦Woman—A Problem of Reconstruction---------Alma Frances Seavey The War Work of the Y. M. C. A...Elmer Lester Gilmore Rounds Music________________________________________________ Orchestra The History of Scarborough-----------------Herman Cecil Rounds Class Will and Presentation of Gifts---Rudolph Cassens Douglas The Great American------------------Melville Hunnewell Johnson Music----------------------------------------------- Orchestra Conferring of Diplomas_____________________Supt. F. B. H. Heald Music--------------------'--------------------------- Orchestra ♦Excused. Music by Colonial Orchestra. Scarborough High School Class of 1920 Graduating Exercises at K. of P. Hall, Oak Hill Thursday, June 17, 1920 Class Motto Ye are green wood; see ye warp not « » Class Colors Blue and Gold Class Flower Sweet Pea ifonnr ©tu&rnln in nrftrr of rank 1 Abbie Beulah Small 2 Helen Eudora Baker 3 Mabel Dorothy Nielsen 4 Rachel Laura Scott 5 Ethel Mae Foster March, Orchestra Prayer, Rev. Rcnsel H. Colby Response, Orchestra 1 Salutatory, For Value Received Helen Eudora Baker 2 Class Prophecy. Ethel Mae Foster 3 Class Oration, Americanization Carl Maurice Nielsen 4 Class Will, Eugene Earle Willman "Maine, My Stale” 5 History of Maine, Raymond Thomas Libby 6 Men of Maine, Robert Leon Libby Song, “State of Maine, my State of Maine” Edwards High School 7 The Charms of Maine, Elizabeth Frederica Newcomb 8 Maine of the Future, Doris Mitchell 9 Address to Undergraduates Philip William Bowley i o Presentation of Gifts Mabel Dorothy Neilsou Rachel Laura Scott 11 Valedictory, Class Motto Abbie Beulah Small Presentation of Diplomas Supt. Frank H. B. Heald Class Ode, Velma Marguerite Leonard Class of 1920 Benediction, Rev. William Baker Class Roll fflallrgr Jirryaratorg (Hourar Helen Kudora linker Mable Dorothy Nielsen Maude Evelyn Ploughman Abbie Beulah Small Sugltisf? (Saura? Chester Addison Baker Philip William Bowley Harold Everett Emmons Ethel Mae Foster Velma Marguerite Leonard Raymond Thomas Libby Robert Leon Libby Doris Mitchell Elizabeth Frederica Newcomb Carl Maurice Nielson Muriel Eva Ploughman Fred Lorin Richardson Rachel Laura Scott Eugene Earle Willman s€i ,/p^ 96*8* /5"-C 99-2 J-S3 The Class of Nineteen Hundred and T^enh;-0ne Scarboro High School Commencement Exercises Thursday Evening, June Sixteenth at eight o’clock K. of P. Hall .iilllllllllllllllllllllllliliiuuu. March Orchestra Prayer Rev. Reuse) H. Colby Response Orchestra Salutatory and Kssay Harriett Edna Knight Essay, The Japanese American Problem Albert Wilton Libby 1. Voices ol the Woods. Rubenstein-Spicker 2. O Lovely Night, Offenbach Girls Glee Club Class History, Past and Future Agnes Evelyn Seavey Class Will and Presentation ol Gilts Ralph Leon Larv Music Orchestra Class Oration, Present Day Immigration Clarence Asbury Lary V aledictory Ralph Leon Lary Music Orchestra Presentation ol Diplomas Supt. Frank H. B. Heald Class Ode Music Orchestra Soft (alls the twilight; dark grow the shadows, Now as we sing our parting song. Tho ties we sever, love lives forever, Lighting the rugged pathway long. Far from the comrades of happy school days with paths divided we may be; Loyal hearts yearning, still will be turning, Dear Alma Mater, dear Alma Mater. Still will be turning oft to thee. Old skies are bluest; old friends are truest: Old honors sweetest by us won. Old ways are dearest: old ties are nearest. Dear Alma Mater, to thy sons. Out from the loved past, soon far behind us Filling the store of Memory, Visionsof morning, friends of our school days, Dear Alma Mater, Dear Alina Mater, Mem'ries that quicken thots of thee. To the tune of Eaton Farewell Song Harriett Hdna Knight Clarence Asbury Lary Ralph Leon Lary 'Norman Webster Lough ton Albert Wilton Libby Agnes Evelyn Seavey Deceased Manors First Honor — Norman Webster Laughton Sceoml Honor—Ralph Leon Lary (glass fHattu Climb, tho' the rocks be rugged (Class (Solars Green and White (Class Jlnuirr Pink Rose (Class (Offirrrs President- Clarence A. Lary Sec'y and Treas.-Agnes E. Seavey Commencement Exercises “*■ CLASS of 1922 ^ Scarborough High School GRADUATION Thursday Evening, June 15th. RECEPTION AND DANCE Friday Evening, June 16th. K. of P. HALL March Orchestra Prayer Rev. Philip C. Hughey Selection - Orchestra Salutatory and Essay, "The Power of the Human Voice” Aurelia Edna Wentworth Declamation, ‘ The Future of the Nation" Leonard Horace Emmons Selection Orchestra Scene from Schiller's "Maria Stuart” between Queen Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary has conic to plead with Queen Elizabeth for her life after she has been sentenced to death by Queen Elizabeth Time 1687 Queen Elizabeth. Ruth Couipston Hcald Mary. Queen of Scots, Helen Collins Libby - \ Oration, “Results of the Peace Conference" Arthur Milliken Pillsbury Class Prophecy Charlotte Effie Googins Ruth Sibyl Sherwood Group of Songs, S. H. S. Glee Club Essay. "The Radio Telephone" Edgar Banks Milliken ■ Presentation of Gifts, Violet Jennie Roberts Thomas Eben Seavey Group of Songs, S. H. S. Glee Club Valedictory, Laura Katherine Johnson Class Ode, (Alice Dyer Johnson) Class of 1922 Presentation of Diplomas, Superintendent Frank H. B. Heald March, Orchestra Class Ode Written by Alice Dyer Johnson Tune "The Loreley" How sweet is the hush of evening That falls o'er the wooded hills, How sweet are the scenes of our school days That throng in our memories still. The longed for goal is before us. The prize we sought is won; But mingled with joy is sadness, Our schooldays now are done. Farewell to each well loved classmate, To scenes by our hearts held dear, To days of work and victory. To those who our path have cheered. Each day we have woven true friendship, Each day wc have striven well, How deep we have builded our structure The downing years will tell. (fllnaa iSnll College Preparatory Course Ruth Cumpston Heuld I.aurA Knt}ierineJohn?on Helen Collins Libby Anrelin Kdnn Wentworth General Course Ernest Wentworth Emmons Leonard Horace Emmons Charlotte Efiie Googins Alice Dyer Johnson Ecigar Ranks Milliken Arthur Milliken Pillshury Hazel Lorania Richardson Violet Jennie Roberts Thomas Ehen Seavey Ruth Sibyl Sherwood Viola Mac Urguhart First Honor, Laura K. Johnson Second Honor, Arthur M. Pillsbury Third Honor, Aurelia E. Wentworth fHiilfn Carpe Diem (fllaBB (flolurB Pink and Gray (fllaBB Iffhiuirr Pink Rose (fllaaB (Qffirrrfl President, Ruth C. Heahl Vice President, Helen'C. Libby Sec. & Treat., Ruth S. Sherwood Commencement Exercises of the Class of 1923 Scarboro HigK School K. of P. Hall, Oak Hill Graduation- Thursday evening, June 14, 1923 Reception and Dance- Friday evening, June 15, 1923 March, Orchestra Invocation, Rev. Rensel H. Colby Response, Orchestra Salutatory and Essay, “The Pioneer Spirit” Martha Eloise Pillsbury Class Inventory, Frank Herbert Mitchell Essay, “King Tutankhamen's Tomb” Frank Clayton Sargent Violin Solo, Selected Lois Fogg Pillsbury Declamation, “True Americanism” VanDyke Aubrey Earl Lincoln Class Legend, Agnes Gertrude Lund Selection, Orchestra Honor Essay, “The Progress of Radio” Clark Amasa Libbey Class Prophecy, Hazel Belle Merry Address to Undergraduates, Jens Christian Andersen Songs (a) “Gipsy Song” Manley (b) “The Clang of the Forge” Vaughan High School Chorus Class Creed, Clarence Henry Peterson Presentation of Gifts, Harold Walton Bennett Class Motto and Valedictory, Gladys Louise Douglas Class Ode Class of 1923 Hazel Belle Merry Presentation of Diplomas, Supt. Frank H. B. Heald March, Orchestra Class Ode Written by Hazel Belle Merry Tune "Isle of Beauty" One more song and then we sever With this parting ode of grace, Sweet the mem’ries that will linger Round this old familiar place. Schoolmates, now we all have gathered. Bidding you a fond farewell, Life's stern duties call us onward, Where we anchor, who can tell? Not the evening, but the dawning, End we here to start anew, Girt with strength we start life’s morning, To our ideals we’ll be true. Who will wear the honored colors, Play our games and play as well? Parting fills our hearts with sorrow. Friends and classmates, fare thee well. Class Roll College PreparatoryCourse Gladys Louise Douglas General Course Jens Christian Andersen Harold Walton Bennett Clark Amasa Libbey Aubrey Earl Lincoln Agnes Gertrude Lund Hazel Belle Merry Frank Herbert Mitchell Clarence Henry Peterson Martha Eloise Pillsbury Frank Clayton Sargent Class Honors First Honor, Gladys Louise Douglas Second Honor, Martha Eloise Pillsbury Third Honor. Clark Amasa Libbey President, Vice President Secretary, Treasurer, Class Officers Frank Herbert Mitchell Harold Walton Bennett Agnes Gertrude Lund Clarence Henry Peterson Class Motto Not Evening, but dawn. Class Floxfler Pansy Class Colors Purple and Gold d>rafcuatt0iT ^xexcxsts
(Elass of 1926
jlmu-ljorc jicfynol
oi |J. JHall, (ftife^iU
(Lhursbug, £6*111113, 31UU£ 17tfi at 7.30 ^iaitbitrb tEime
3Rer£ptton anb JOancc
,3jribny ^Ocning, ^jimc ISilj at 7.30 j§innbnrb (Efmc
Music, Invocation, program Orchestra Rev. Rensel H. Colby
Salutatory — <4The Class Flower, Class History, Tena Belle McKinney Marion Rebecca Peterson Class Prophecy, ( Elizabeth Frances Knight ( Ada Leora Wentworth Music Class Poem-The Chambered Nautilus, Ruth Chase Hodgman Sketch - Mistress Penelope Colonial Characters Penelope Gray, Quakeress, Lois Fogg Pillsbury John Weatherford, Colonial soldier, Clyde Cecil Harmon Major Maurice Cumberland, dashing cavalier, Maurice Allen Libby Sergeant Blitzen, Hessian, Donald Burnham York Master William Banks, schoolboy, Ernest Bowley Time: During American Revolution Scene: Schoolroom in Pennsylvania Play in One Act Class Will, Norman Balch Thurston Class Cartoons, Emma Avilda Oleseti Violin Solo - Selected, Lois Fogg Pillsbury Presentation of Gifts. Mary Cecelia Pillsbury Margaret Loveilia Urquhart Valedictory - Class Motto, Elinor Olive Lary Class Ode, Hazel Margaret Morse Class of 1926 Presentation of Diplomas Supt. F. H. B. Heald Music (Ctnofl Obc Tune: Silver Threads Among the Cold Classmates, time is drawing near To bid farewell our last school year, Fast the moments slip away Gone our school life’s fleeting day, But, dear classmates, you will be, will be, Ever loved and dear to me; Yes, dear classmates, you will be, Ever loved and dear to me. When we're scattered far and near, All the ones we hold so dear, When the years have sped away, 1 will think of you and say, "Since the years so fast have flown, have flown, You have ever dearer grown Since the years so fast have flown You have ever dearer grown.” As we tread life’s rugged way, Face the trials of each day, liver forward we’ll press on Till \vc hear the words ’’Well done.” Then, farwell, oh comrades, loved and dear Parting time is drawing near Then fnrewell, oh comrades, loved and dear Parting time is drawing near. Class Liu 11 College Preparatory Course Elizabeth Frances Knight Teua Belle McKinney Hazel Margaret Morse Lois Fogg Pillsbury Ada Leora Wentworth General Course Virginia Marie Coffin Clyde Cecil Harmon Elinor Olive Lary Ruth Chase Hodgman Maurice Allen Libby Emma Avilda Olesen Marion Rebecca Peterson Mary Cecilia Pillsbury Norman Balch Thurston Margaret Loveilia Urquhart Bertha Trefly Westman Donald Burnham York Honors First Honor, Second Honor, Third Honor, Elinor Olive Lary Tena Belle McKinney Elizabeth Frances Knight (Class Perge Modo (Class Colors Crimson and Gold Class Sjlofacr Red Rose President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Ji Class (Offircrs Elinor Olive Lary Tena Belle McKinney Elizabeth Frances Knight Lois Fogg Pillsbury COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF THE CLASS OF 1930 OF SCARBORO HIGH SCHOOL June 15, 1.00 P. M. Baccalaureate Services—Eight Corners Baptist Church. June 16, 6.00 P. M. Alumni Banquet—Moulton House, Dunstan. June 18, 7.30 P. M. Graduation Exercises—High School Auditorium. June 19, 7.30 P. M. Reception and Ball—Town Hall. GRADUATION PROGRAM March—"On the Hike” Hicn School Orchestra Zamccnik Invocation Rev. Herbert E. Wyman « * * + * Chairman Theme—“Seas” Warren Everett Libby Salutatory and Essay—“The Sea and Maine" Evelyn Louise Chandler Poem—“Sea Fever” Ruth Adelaide Harmon Piano Solo—-“Cuba” Nellie Ruth Pillsbury Class Prophecy Olive Lucinda Jellerson "The Class Grumbler” Nellie Ruth Pillsbury John Masefield Albenez “Whispering Hope” Three Part CnoRUS Reading—“The Queen’s Jewels”, a Story of Columbus Abridged Hazel Frances MacMillan Presentation of Gifts John Randall Ferguson Violin Solo—“Lcgcnde" ll’ieniawski Lois Focc Pillsbury Valedictory and Essay—"The World's Highway” Marjorie Catherine Clark Class Ode Class op 19o0 Presentation of Diplomas Supt. Frank H. B. Healo Benediction Rev. Herhert E. Wyman March—"Officer of the Day” High School Orchestra ***** CI.ASS ODE—Written by Hildegarde Marguerite Harmon Tune—“Follow the Gleam" The sun from the arching blue Glitters bright on the dancing sea And the white canvassed ship athrill To slip from her moorings free. Chorus Farewell, farewell, port of our dreams, Dear Scarboro High, we say good-bye, To our schooldays, youth's rainbow time, And the dear friends we love so well. To us now, as in days of old, Keeping watch thru the glimm’ring dawn, Comes a whisper of urging cheer, “Falter not, but sail on and on.” When afar from thy shclt’ring fold, A-drift on the tossing sea, Our true hearts will longing turn, Alma Mater, beloved, to thee. Hall CLASS ROLL College Preparatory Course Credits Marjorie Catherine Clark 16% General Course Evelyn Louise Chandler 17 Irving Clinton Deering 16 John Randall Ferguson, 16 Hildegarde Marguerite Harmon 16% Ruth Adelaide Harmon 17% Olive Lucinda Jellerson 16% Warren Everett Libby 17 Hazel Frances MacMillan 17% Esther Marie Nielsen 16 % Nellie Ruth Pillsbury 17% Harvey Clayton Urquhart 16 Credit Certificate Anna Theresa Kenniston 14% Class Motto—“Tonight we launch, where shall we anchor?” Class Flower—Red Rose Class Colors—Red and White Honors—First, Marjorie Catherine Clark Second, Evelyn Louise Chandler Class Officers President—Marjorie Catherine Clark Pice-President—Hildegarde Marguerite Harmon Secretary—Olive Lucinda Jellerson Treasurer—Evelyn Louise Chandler COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM ci ’ SCARBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1934 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES of the CLASS OF 1934 SCARBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL June 10 ■ 10.30 a.m. Baccalaureate Services Dunslan M. E. Church June 11 ■ 7.50 p.m. Alumni Banquet The Cascades, Saco June 14 ■ 8.00 p. m. Graduation Exercises High School Auditorium, Oak Hill June 15 • 8.50p.m. Senior Reception and Ball K. of P. Hall, Oak Hill GRADUATION PROGRAM Theme: Gardens Violin Duet A Wayside Rose Fischer Philip Harmon, Nellie Harmon Salutatory and Essay Gardens Patricia Elaine Newcomb Class Oration Roadside Beautification Alan Henry Paine THE MAY COURT <-A Garden Flay in One Act Scbne—The Garden of Sir Giles Promfrec Timb —England in 1665 Historical Sbtting — The extreme strictness of the Puritan regime under Oliver Cromwell has been replaced by the gay frivolity of the Restoration under the Stuart King Charles. Characters Charles II Hugh Carroll Sir Giles Pomfret A Beggar Praiseworthy justright Patience Pomfret Lady Castlemaine Village Maids—Susan Phoebe Lucy Marian Molly Betsey Lewis Carlton Chandler Irving Raymond Moulton George David Woodward Willard Smyth ’3 5 Preston Dudley Plummer Ethelyn Elfleda Pillsbuxy Ruth Verrill Elizabeth Phipps Bennett Ruth Eleanor Jordan Edith Mildred McCullough Jane Elizabeth King Lilly May Douglas Mildred Littlefield Garden of Roses Ritter Girls' Glee Club Entrance March Trio Class Prophecy Ethel Almeda Davis Anna Elizabeth Leavitt Presentation of Gifts Carolyn Foss Pillsbury Merton Earl Rawson Valedictory and Essay Climbing not Clinging Dorothy L. Plowman Singing of Class Ode Written by Dorothy Estelle Smith Class of 1934 Presentation of Awards Principal Elwood G. Bessey Presentation of Diplomas Superintendent Frank H. B. Heald Prayer and Benediftion Rev. G. Elmer Mossman Exit March Trio CLASS ODE Tune: Only a Rose Roses abloom in gardens, Climbing above, fragrant and gay, Shedding their smile on all who pass them by. Make bright with cheer the darkest day. Only by care and training Roses thus upward grow; The top to gain, the gardeners train each one to climb. Never to cling below. Sweet as the rose is friendship; Friends tried and true here we have made; Memories fond of our loved Scarborough High Will cheer our way in sun or shade. Farewell, classmates and teachers, Our paths today must part; Where’er they lead, our motto we’U heed, and upward climb, Faithful in mind and heart. CLASS ROLL College Preparatory Course Credits Credits Elizabeth Phipps Bennett 19 K Irving Raymond Moulton 1854 Lewis Carlton Chandler Jr. 16% Patricia Elaine Newcomb 18 Ethel Almeda Davis 18 H Merton Earl Rawson 19# Jane Elizabeth King i7*4 ' George David Woodward 18 % (general Course Dorothy Bernice Ahlquist 17 Alan Henry Paine 1754 Lilly May Douglas 18 Carolyn Foss Pillsbury 1654 Orval Johnson Emerson 16 Ethelyn Elfleda Pillsbury 1854 Don Lee Harrington 16 Dorothy L. Plowman 18 Robert Lawrence Jensen 16X Preston Dudley Plummer 16 Ruth Eleanor Jordan 17 X Velma Chase Purington 18tf Anna Elizabeth Leavitt 18J< Dorothy Estelle Smith 16& Mildred Littlefield 16'A Eleanor Louise Storey 17>< Edith Mildred McCullough 16% Ruth Verrili 17 X George Henry Milliken 16>4 Cora Marie Webber 16>4
Bernice Irene Nowell 18 Josephine Margaret Wenner 16J6

Class Motto-. “Climbing, not Clinging” Class Flower: Red Rose Class Colors: Red and White
Patticia Elaine Newcomb Irving Raymond Moulton Ethelyn Elfleda Pillsbury Dorothy L. Plowman
^ S’ t-f o 4 ) h (9 0
Scarborough Qrammar Schools

Friday, June Ninth, at Two P. M.
Nineteen hundred and fifty
. . . PROGRAM . . .
INVOCATION Rcv- Gerald F. Miller
PSALM 24 Oak Hill Grammar
Theme: “The Brotherhood of America” Announcer, Robert Moran
SPIRIT OF AMERICA Helen Holivan and Robert Foley
I. INDIANS “Indian Love Call” Arnold Libby and Kathleen Lunt Friml
II. SCANDINAVIA “Finlandia” Ruth Mitchell and Susan Martin Sibelius
III. ITALY “Italian Street Song” Joan Holivan and Ann Bennett Herbert
IV. HOLLAND “Dutch Dance” Clifton Tcmm and George Pooler
V. AFRICA “Jacob’s Ladder” Robert Frederick and Ernest Sclberg Negro Spiritual
VI. FRANCE “Clair de Lue” Piano Solo Stephen Libby and Virginia Sampson Debussy Patricia Lysaught
. . . PROGRAM . . .
VII. GERMANY Judith Hodgdon and Barbara Paige
“Lullaby” Brahms
VIII. SPAIN “Spanish Dance” Carole Sturgeon and Edith Larochelle
IX. IRELAND Clarence Belliveau and Theodore Sawyer
“Kerry Dance” Molloy
X. ENGLAND Helen Clarke and Maravene Clough
“Country Gardens” Grainger
SCOUTS Robert Olsen and Rae Jones
‘FAR AWAY PLACES” Piano Accordian Solo
Whitney-Kramer Gloria Gurney

Clarence E. Bclleveau Ann G. Bennetr Barbara M. Berry Dawn D. Brown Lorenzo F. Farwell, Jr.
Robert F. Foley Robert N. Frederick George L. Frederick John C. Grover Gloria F. Gurney David A. Harmon William G. Hillock Judith E. Hodgdon Helen E. Holivan Joan L. Holivan Patricia A. Jordan
James L. Barney Patricia A. Briggs Donald G. Burnham Royctta F. Chandler Helen E. Clarke Maravenc L. Clough David W. Collins Stanley C. Cote Robert W. Ferclli Richard J. Gancm Rae C. Jones Edith M. LaRochelle Stephen A. Libby, Jr.
Patricia A. Lysaught June C. Malloch Susan L. Martin
Henry Libby, Jr.
Arnold E. Libby Kathleen A. Lunt Jean M. Matthews Harriet P. McLaughlin Robert D. Meserve Ann F. Merry Clifford C. Mitchell, 2nd Barbara E. Paige Ronald A. Plowman Beverly I. Roberts Theodore E. Sawyer Ernest G. Selberg Nancy E. Simpson \/alter C. Small
Ruth W. Mitchell Robert T. Moran Nettie A. Noble Robert A. Olsen James L. Pearson Francis X. Picher George K. Pooler Jeanne M. Ridlon Virginia C. Sampson Carol F. Sturgeon David R. Swanson Clifton E. Tcrara Dewey A. Thompson Albert C. Varney Margaret F. Wright
Scarborough High School Baccalaureate Service
Blue Point Church Sunday. June 13. 1965. 2:30p.m.
BACCALAUREATE MARCH . • • • . . Mr. Harold Snow
CALL TO WORSHIP . . • t- • Rev. George E. Phinney
PRAYER OF INVOCATION • • • Rev. George E. Phinney
THE LORD’S PRAYER • • • Rev. George E. Phinney
SCRIPTURE READING • Rev. George E. Phinney
HYMN: God of Grace and God of Glory, No. 366
BENEDICTION ……………… Rev. George E. Phinney
“In vain we build the world unless the builder also grows.”
Gerry M. Balzano Jeffrey M. Barden Linda Louise Barter Joan L. Beaulieu Arnera Karine Berry Morris C. Berry Jo Ann Elizabeth Black Linda Joyce Blanchard Donalecn Ann Boothby Derron David Brewer Deirdrc Elaine Briggs Frederick Lre Brown Daniel Kent Broy Janet Lee Capron William Frank Caswelt. Jr. Bruce Wayne Chadbournc James Chadburn Evelyn Jeannette Chaddon Benjamin Donnell Chase Linda Mae Clarke Michael Edward Comer Bruce Dorien Corh John Michael Cott Jo Dren Coulthard James Russell Crowley Sharon Eileen Cunningham Carol Ann Davis Bcverlv Jean Deering Roger Melville Delaware Gary Wayne Dcmmons Carroll Richard Dolloff Blanche Christine Douglas Donna Rae Douglass Linda Joan Fielding Robert W. Gardner Peter J. Gancola Sandra Claire Gillings Paul Edwin Goodalc Russell Grant Haigis David Blancy Hall Milton Alan Harr Gilberta Grace Hatch Kathleen Alice Hodgdon Geraldine Mae Hodgkin Wayne Douglas Howard Ronald Clarence Howes Darrell M. Huff Walter A. Jordan, III Betty L. Kempton Anita Louise Kimball James William Lacourse John Wayne Lacourse Ann LeGacy Gilbert Libby
Peter B. Libby Shirley Lindholm Marjorie Lorainc Link Peter Albert Lyons Pamela Anne Marsh Pamela Adele Mathews Wayne L. McDermott Edward James McFarland, Jr.
Norma Rae McKcen Fred Allan Merry Michael Dale Millikcn David J. Moody Edward C. Morse William Michael Morse David L. Moulton Beverly Jane Nelscn Wayne Gary Norrad Priscilla A. Nowell Richard E. Oliver Neal Paulsen Deborah Peabody Stephen P. Peabody Elizabeth Sharon Peaco John Harland Pence Norma Evelyn Perkins Linda A. Pierce Wayne Purington Everect Maxwell Quimbv Linda Marie Robinson Norman Edward Russell Kenneth Gregory Sanford Roy M. Simmonds, III David Paul Scamman Ruth Ann Smith Susan Jane Snelling Beverly June Snow Louise W. Snow Janet Patricia Stevens William Sanford Temm, Jr. Roberta Jean Thompson Marsha Jane Thornton Dale Gregory Tucker Margaret Jane Turnbull Jeanne Florence Turner L. Haswell Turner, Jr. Gwendolyn B. Varney Charles Linley Webber David Allen Webber Larry Bruce Weikel Sharman Lydia West Edward Anderson Wheeler Carolyn Ann White Robert Alan Whittemore
Scarborough High School Class of I 9 6 5
“That Was The Class That Was”
Scarborough High School A udito riu m
8:00 p. m.
Friday. June //. 1965
THAT WAS THE CLASS THAT WAS Written and Presented by the Class of 1965
Offstage Voice: David Moulton
Nancy Ames Girl: Donaleen Boothby
Class President: Charles Webber
Master of Ceremonies: Jill Turner
Alphabet Song: Class of 1965
Card Girl: Edward McFarland
Acne: Gerry Balzano, Peter Giancola, Derron Brewer,
Arneta Berry, Beverly Nelsen, Gilberta Hatch, Deborah Peabody, Carolyn White, Norma McKeen, Kathleen Hodgdon, Geraldine Hodgkin, Priscilla Nowell, Linda Pierce, Ruth Smith, Carol Davis,
Card Girl: Michael Milliken
Boosters: Morris Berry, David Hall
Card Girl: Norman Russell
Class History Song: Marjorie Link and Class of 1965
Detention: Walter Jordan, Danny Broy, Wayne Howard,
John Cott, Larry Weikel, Jack Turner, Jim LaCourse, William Caswell, Stephen Peabody, Wayne Purington.
English: Deirdre Briggs
Witches: Neal Paulsen, Stephen Peabody,
Robert Whitteraore.
folklore: Donaleen Boothby, Robert Whittemore, Jeffery
Barden, Linda Fielding, Peter Libby, Janet Capron, Derron Brewer, John Pence, Gerry Balzano, Sharon Cunningham, Kenneth Sanford, Linda Robinson, Linda Barter, Norma McKeen, Margaret Turnbull, Jane Thornton, Michael Milliken, Larry Weikel, Susan Snelling, Sandra Gillings, Fred Merry, Ruth Smith, Ann LeGacy, Jo Coulthard, Jill Tbrner, Jack Tbrner, Russell Haigis, David Moulton, David Webber, Joan Beaulieu, Janet Stevens, Linda Clarke, Kathleen Hodgdon, Robert Gardner, Geraldine Hodgkin, Dale Tucker.
Greasy Kid Stuff: Edward McFarland, Gary Detnmons, Norma
Hullaballoo: Jo Coulthard
Jitterbug: Susan Snelling, Jo Ann Black, Linda
Robinson, Betty Kempton, Louise Snow, Wayne Norrad, Wayne Howard, David Webber, Michael Comer, Alan Hart.
Twist: Pamela Mathews, John Pence
Monkey: Linda Barter, Ann LeGacy, Sandra Gillings,
Donaleen Boothby, W?>1 ter Jordan, Wayne Howard, John Cott, David Moulton.
Freddie: Jill Turner, Deirdre Briggs, Linda Clarke,
Russell Haigis, Fred Merry, Danny Broy, Geraldine Hodgkin, Robert Gardner.
Ideals: John Pence and Class of 1965
Jolly Green Giant: John Cott, Edward Wheeler
Kicks: Russell Haigis
L Chemistry Lab: Sandra Gillings
Chemists??: Marjorie Link, Donna Douglass, Janet
Stevens, Gerry Balzano, William Morse, Linda Barter, Larry Weikel, Arneta Berry.
Madison Avenue: David Moulton, Dale Tucker, Fred Brown,
Priscilla Nowell, Ben Chase, Edward Morse, Jim LaCourse, Gilbert Libby, John Cott, Paul Goodale, Richard Dolloff, Deborah Peabody, Shirley Lindholm.
News: Jo Ann Black, Donna Douglass
Ode: Charles Webber and the Class of 1965
Periscope: Linda Blanchard, Jack Turner, Norman Russell,
Bruce Corb, David Moulton, Linda Barter, Anita Kimball, Libby Peaco, Fred Merry.
(Juest: Edward McFarland, Sharman West, David Scamman,
Neal Paulsen, Michael Comer, Jim LaCourse, Everett Quimby, Roger Delaware, Richard Oliver.
Reminiscences: Marjorie Link and the Class of 1965
Superlatives: Pamela Marsh, Ronald Howes
Teachers: Michael Milliken, Edward McFarland, and Class
“ Teachers: Gilbert Libby, Blanche Douglas, William
Caswell, Bruce Chadbourne, Pamela Mathews,
Stephen Peabody, Peter Libby, Walter Jordan, Sharman West, Everett Quimby.
U You Songs: Fred Merry, Donaleen Boothby
Couples: Linda Fielding, Derron Brewer, Donna
Douglass, Peter Giancola, Betty Kempton, Alan Hart, Sharon Cunningham, Kenneth Sanford.
Victory: Charles Webber
Waltz: John Pence
Waltzers: Dcirdre Briggs, John Pence, Linda Fielding,
Derron Brewer, Jill Turner, Russell Haigis, Sandra Gillings, John Cott, Norma McKeen,
Michael Comer, Marjorie Link, Norman Russell, Beverly Snow, Bruce Corb, Donna Douglass, Peter Giancola.
X & Y: Sharon Cunningham
Students: Darrell Huff, Evelyn Chaddon, Shirley
Lindholm, James Chadburn, Beverly Deering,
James Crowley, Paul Goodale, Gilberta Hatch, Edward Morse, David Moody, Beverly Nelsen,
Louise Snow, Deborah Peabody, Stephen Peabody, Ruth Smith, Margaret Turnbull, Wayne McDermott, Richard Oliver, Jane Thornton, Linda Pierce.
Z: Jill Turner and the Class of 1965.
INVOCATION: Right Rev. Monsignor Edward C. O’Leary
BENEDICTION: Rev. George E. Phinney
Gerry M. Balzano Jeffrey M. Barden Linda Louise Barter Joan L. Beaulieu Arneta Karine Berry Morris C. Berry Jo Ann Elizabeth Black Linda Joyce Blanchard Donaleen Ann Boothby Derron David Brewer Dfirdrc Elaine Briggs Frederick Lee Brown Daniel Kent Brov Janet Lee Capron William Frank Caswell, Jr. Bruce W’avne Chadhournc James L. Chadburn Evelyn Jeannette Chaddon Benjamin Donnell Chase Linda Mae Clarke Michael Edward Comer Bruce Dorirn Corh John Michael Cott Jo Deen Coulthnrd James Russel! Crowley Sharon Eileen Cunningham Carol Ann Davis Beverl v Jean Dccring Roger Melville Delaware Gary Wayne Dcmmons Carroll Richard Dolloff Blanche Christine Douglas Donna Rae Douglass Linda Joan Fielding Robert W. Gardner Peter J. Giancola Sandra Claire Gillings Paul Ed win Goodalc Russell Grant Haigis David Blanry Hall Milton Alan Hart Gilherta Grace Hatch Kathleen Alice Hodgdon Geraldine Mae Hodgkin Wayne Douglas Howard Ronald Clarence Howes Darrell M. Huff Walter A. Jordan, 111 Betty L. Kempton Anita Louise Kimball James William Laccursc John Wayne Lacoursc Ann LeGaey Gilbert Libby
Peter B. Libby Shirley Lindholm Marjorie Loraine Link Peter Albert Lyons Pamela Anne Marsh Pamela Adcle Mathews Wayne L. McDermott Edward James McFarland, Jr.
Norma Rae McKcen Fred Allan Merry Michael Dale Milliken David J. Moody Edward C. Morse William Michael Morse David L. Moulton Beverly Jane Nelsen Wayne Gary Nor rad Priscilla A. Nowell Richard E. Oliver Neal Paulsen Deborah Peabody Stephen P. Peabody Elizabeth Sharon Peaco John Harland Pence Norma Evelyn Perkins Linda A. Pierce Wayne Purington Everett Maxwell Quimby Linda Marie Robinson Norman Edward Russell Kenneth Gregory Sanford Roy M. Simmonds, III David Paul Scamman Ruth Ann Smith Susan Jane Snelling Beverly June Snow Louise W. Snow Janet Patricia Stevens William Sanford Tcmm, Jr. Roberta Jean Thompson Marsha Jane Thornton Dale Gregory Tucker Margaret Jane Turnbull Jeanne Florence Turner L. Haswell Turner, Jr. Gwendolyn B. Varnev Charles Linley WebI David Allen Webber Larry Bruce Weikel Sharman Lydia West Edward Anderson Wheeler Carolyn Ann White Robert Alan Whirtcmore
Commencement Exercises
Class of 1965 Scarborough High School
May 21 — 8:00 P. M. FAREWELL BALL AND RECEPTION By the Juniors High School Auditorium
June 11 —8:00 P. M.
CLASS NIGHT High School Auditorium
June 13 — 2:30 P. M. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Blue Point Congregational Church
June 14 — 8:00 P. M. GRADUATION EXERCISES High School Auditorium
Graduation Program
Class Motto: “In vain we build the world unless the builder also grows ”
Salutatory Address
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Commencement Address
Valedictory Address
Class Ode
Presentation of Awards Presentation of Diplomas Alma Mater Benediction
Rev. Lewis A. Chase Deirdre Briggs Senior Class Dr. Kenneth Brooks Janet Stevens Senior Class Principal Milton W. Knowlen Superintendent Thomas S. Vose
Rev. Francis L. McFarland
CLASS ODE by Marjorie Link Tune: Halls of Ivy
To the hallowed halls of Scarborough To our friends and classmates true To teachers kind and thoughtful
We must now bid adieu.
Mem’ries linger though we leave them That will ne’er from us depart,
The friends we’ve made, good times we’ve had They’ll stay in our heart.
For now we leave behind Those friends and teachers kind.
Our chosen paths in life we will pursue. Whatever life may bring, what big or little thing We’ll do our best to honor you anew.
For we love you dear old Scarborough In our hearts you’ll always dwell —
Your ivy walls, your hallowed halls Goodbye — fond farewell!
Gerry Balzano Jo Ann Black
Donaleen Boothby
Sandra Gillings Ronald Howes Marjorie Link
Deirdre Briggs Janet Capron
Fred Merry
Donna Douglass Robert Gardner
Sharon Cunningham
William Morse Elizabeth Peaco David Scamman Janet Stevens
Jeanne Turner
Secretary T reasurer
President Vice President
Charles Webber Gerry Balzano David Moulton
John Cott
CLASS COLORS, Red and White
Gerry M. Balzano Jeffrey M. Barden Linda Louise Barter Joan L. Beaulieu Ameta Karine Berry Morris C. Berry Jo Ann Elizabeth Black Linda Joyce Blanchard Donaleen Ann Boothby Dcrron David Brewer Deirdre Elaine Briggs Frederick Lee Brown Daniel Kent Broy Janet Lee Capron William Frank Caswell, Jr. Bruce Wayne Chadbournc James L. Chadbum Evelyn Jeannette Chaddon Benjamin Donnell Chase Linda Mae Clarke Michael Edward Comer Bruce Dorien Corb John Michael Cott Jo Deen Coulthard James Russell Crowley Sharon Eileen Cunningham Carol Ann Davis Beverly Jean Dcering Roger Melville Delaware Gary Wayne Demmons Carroll Richard Dolloff Blanche Christine Douglas Donna Rae Douglass Linda Joan Fielding Robert W. Gardner Peter J. Giancola Sandra Claire Gillings Paul Edwin Goodale Russell Grant Haigis David Blaney Hall Milton Alan Hart Gilberta Grace Hatch Kathleen Alice Hodgdon Geraldine Mae Hodgkin Wayne Douglas Howard Ronald Clarence Howes Darrell M. Huff Walter A. Jordan, III Betty L. Kempton Anita Louise Kimball James William Lacourse John Wayne Lacourse Ann LeGacy Gilbert Libby
Peter B. Libby Shirley Lindholm Marjorie Loraine Link Peter Albert Lyons Pamela Anne Marsh Pamela Adele Mathews Wayne L. McDermott Edward James McFarland, Jr. Norma Rae McKeen Fred Allan Merry Michael Dale Milliken David J. Moody Edward C. Morse William Michael Morse David L. Moulton Beverly Jane Neisen Wayne Gary Norrad Priscilla A. Nowell Richard E. Oliver Neal Paulsen Deborah Peabody Stephen P. Peabody Elizabeth Sharon Peaco John Harland Pence Norma Evelyn Perkins Linda A. Pierce Wayne Purington Everett Maxwell Quimby Linda Marie Robinson Norman Edward Russell Kenneth Gregory Sanford Roy M. Simmonds, III David Paul Scamman Ruth Ann Smith Susan Jane Snelling Beverly June Snow Louise W. Snow Janet Patricia Stevens William Sanford Temm, Jr. Roberta Jean Thompson Marsha Jane Thornton Dale Gregory Tucker Margaret Jane Turnbull Jeanne Florence Turner L. Haswell Turner, Jr. Gwendolyn B. Vamey Charles Linley Webber David Allen Webber Larry Bruce Weikel Sharman Lydia West Edward Anderson Wheeler Carolyn Ann White Robert Alan Whittemore

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